My eyes glazed over, triggering something deep inside of me.

She was right.

She wouldn’t have wanted this, and for that reason alone, I stopped. Seeing my mother standing in front of me instead of the woman who’d been there for us in her absence all these months.

I blinked, shifting my focus back to him, who was taking in what she had just said as well. Neither of us spoke. Even Journey stopped crying.

The end.

Game over.

I said my piece.

Slowly, I backed away before I turned and left. Leaving open wounds that may never be healed by the hands of the good doctor.

I thought this was what I wanted, what I needed, what I craved.

I was wrong.

I didn’t hate him.

I loved him.

But it hurt…

Just the same.



“We gotta go,” Aunt Skyler came runnin’ up to Uncle Noah who was sittin’ next to me.

“What’s goin’ on?” he asked, takin’ the words out of my mouth.

“It’s Aiden. He just called me, he fucked up. We gotta go.”

Noah stood, and I found myself standin’ with him. Sayin’, “I’m comin’ too.”

Aunt Skyler didn’t question me, she just nodded as if she already knew my reasonin’. What I’d been askin’ myself since Jackson left the party.

With a heavy foot on the gas, it didn’t take long for us to arrive at the Pierces’ home. Uncle Noah sped the entire way there, breakin’ several laws in the process. All of us stressin’ over the anxiety of what was to come. I knew one thing and one thing only, Uncle Aiden hadn’t stepped foot in that house since his wife had died.

With my thoughts focused solely on Jackson, I moved in an autopilot state of mind, slammin’ the car door behind me. Rushin’ right into their house, I darted up the stairs toward his bedroom. My heart feelin’ fuller with every stride I made. A thin thread pullin’ me, gettin’ closer and closer to the boy who might have needed me the most.

Truth was, I had no clue.

The older we became, the more our relationship evolved into something more intense, something unexpected. We both played games, pranks, and fought.

It was our dynamic.

Our understandin’.

Our hate.

It was simple.

Until… it wasn’t.