Page 9 of Nanny to a Guy

“There’s an aquarium at the mall. Or there are several nice parks. We could just put Noa in her stroller and walk around, seeing the sights. I don’t think we have a lot of time before the dinner. Which reminds me… I didn’t bring anything very fancy—”

“Business casual is encouraged, but I guarantee there will be guys in jeans and T-shirts.” I took in her jeans and fitted pink button-down. “What you have on is fine.”

“I think I can manage a dress. It’s just not fancy.”

“You’ll be beautiful.”

She was quiet for a moment. “Luca… Are we going to talk about this?”


“I… But we—”

“Talk about what?” I took a bite of my burger.

“You kissed me earlier. And you held my hand, and—”

“You don’t like it?”

Please don’t tell me to stop.

“It’s not that. I just…I don’t know what this is.”

I had to proceed carefully. I didn’t want to scare her off—not that Em seemed like she’d scare easily, but I knew she’d kick me to the curb and make me find a new nanny if I made her uncomfortable.

“I’ve been cautious because I don’t want to cross lines, but I have…feelingsfor you Em. And I thought… Maybe…”

“Maybe…” she prompted, and God, I wished I had more experience with relationships. I wished I had all the smooth words that would win her over.

“We can see what happens.” And if I helped things along a little…okay.

“I like you, too, Luca. You probably know that—”

“I didn’t. I just hoped so.”

“I do. I don’t want this, whatever this is, to affect my job—”

“It won’t,” I hurried to assure her. Unless she wanted to leave. I wouldn’t let her.

“But I… I guess I want to see what happens, too.”

I nodded, grasping her hand. Leaning in, I kissed her cheek then trailed my lips back toward her ear. “Thank you.”

She shivered, and her eyes had darkened, the pupils wide, when I pulled back. Our gazes stayed locked. I wasn’t sure how long we would have stayed that way if my cellphone hadn’t rung.

“I’m still working,” I murmured.

Her attention slid to where Noa cooed on her play mat, batting at her toys. “So am I.”

I crouched beside the baby and held my hand close enough for her to grab at. “Her teeth don’t seem to be bothering her.”

“No, we got lucky. I was worried flying would exacerbate it and even bother her ears but she’s a trooper.”

“Like her father,” I murmured, gazing down at my squid. My mood shifted suddenly while I considered her. In many ways, she was so like Noland. Not that I had ever said that to anyone—even my mom. But I felt like sometime, probably soon, I could explain the situation to Em, tell her how Noa was my daughter but she wasn’t, how she was named Noalani after my best friend.

“Look, she’s trying to pull up to sitting!” I exclaimed, pride filling my chest.

“She’s strong. She’ll be sitting on her own in the next few weeks. Won’t you, sweet girl?”