Page 12 of Nanny to a Guy

“My hometown.”

Reggie looked back to me. “So are you moving to California with the big lug?”

“Big lug?” I repeated, glancing askance at Luca as he tensed. That moniker didn’t fit him. I returned my attention to his friend. “Wasn’t planning on it.”

“It’s a discussion we still need to have,” Luca cut in. “Are you up for any of the awards tonight?”

Reggie’s eyes widened slightly at the obvious abrupt subject change. Otherwise, he showed no reaction. “Yeah, we are. Thankfully, they’re not doing speeches and just announcing winners then mailing certificates. One of us is certainly not up to addressing the crowd.”

He glanced Steven’s way where he was returning from the bar. “What about you?”

“Two,” Luca said. “Both for VR tech.”

“Your stuff is fucking badass.”

“Thanks, man.”

“So are you the baby mamma?” Steven asked when he plunked down in his seat.

“Jesus Christ,” Reggie rasped. “I swear to God he has manners.”

“Not noticeably,” Luca growled. “But yeah, she is Noa’s mom.”

Reggie glanced at me then at Luca then back to me. I hoped my shock didn’t show. Thankfully, right about then, the other two people for our table, a husband and wife, joined us and moments later the waitstaff began delivering the salads.

Luca straightened and took his arm off my chair while we settled to eat, but that hand moved to rest on my bare knee, his warm fingers sending tremors through my body. My breath drew in, and I held it, when his fingers rubbed small circles. Blood rushed through me and fiery arousal pooled between my thighs. I wouldn’t succumb to it. Luca and I had things to discuss. Baby Mamma things.

I glanced over at him, and he gave me a small smile, his eyes full of secrets and determination. But my eyebrow raised, and he knew he’d have to answer later.



Tension rolled over Em while we picked up Noa. I wasn’t sure if she was angry with me or nervous…or, hopefully, anticipating tonight. The silence loomed thick and impenetrable between us, however.

“Are you okay?” I asked from where I sat on the edge of the bed. She turned from settling Noa in her portable crib. Apparently, the nursery had tired out the baby, and she’d dropped right off.

“I’m your baby mamma?” she hissed, her eyes flashing. Well shit, I’d thought when she’d gone soft under my hand that she’d understood that. “What was that even? I’m not your girlfriend. I’m certainly not your baby mamma. I’m just your nanny!”

“You’re notmynanny. You’reNoa’snanny. And down there…” I gestured vaguely toward the door. “You were mine. And up here… You are mine. You might not have birthed Noa, but you are more her mother than anyone—even my mom—has ever been. So yeah. In my head, you’re her mamma and in my heart, you’re mine.”

“I’m not yours,” she whispered.

My knuckles trailed along her cheek, and she didn’t shrink angrily away from me. “But you are.”


“I need to say… I’m sorry you got upset with me.”

Her eyes flashed, and she stepped back out of my reach. “What kind of a half ass apology is that? You’re sorryI feelthat way? Is that the tactic you’re taking? Putting all the responsibility on me rather than owning your lie?”

“It’s not a lie. Look…” He shoved a hand through his already unruly hair. “I’m sorry. And I’m not. I’ve never been good with relationship things—friendships, platonic, romantic or anything. So I’m sorry I handled things badly. That I made you uncomfortable. I’m not sorry I claimed you as—”


Beyond frustrated, I lurched up and stepped in. My hands fisted in her hair, and I crushed my lips over hers. Em made a small noise, her fingers fluttering against my chest before she clenched them on my vest.

I ripped my mouth back. “You. Are. Mine. Em. No one else can have you. No one but me.”