Frozen, I stood there and closed my eyes. The fortifying breath I took did nothing to calm me. I knew. I knewwhat the hellwithout even looking. My traitor heart sped up as if it were a homing beacon closing in on its prize. Thump-thump. Thump-thump.Thump-thump-thump-thump-thump!


Axel was here.


“What are you doing here?” I asked quietly, knowing he had to be nearby, though I didn’t look for him.

“It’s still my place. My name’s still on the lease, right beside yours.”

“Yeah, well, you haven’t paid any of the rent or utilities in the past five years.” I had to give him credit for one of the six years he’d been gone because he’d used a chunk of money he’d gotten from his uncle to pay his portion of the first year he’d been gone. It was a courtesy to make sure I landed on my feet. Not that I wanted to give any kindness credits to the jerk.

“Prove it,” he replied.

Jackass. He knew I couldn’t. Not without a lot of trouble that would take more time than he’d even be in town.

My teeth clenched, and my hand fisted.

“Fine,” I ground out. “But don’t get any ideas about sharing the bedroom.”

“That’s disappointing, but I figured you’d say that. It’s why my bag is there.”

I heard his hand pat something and glanced over to see he was on my couch, tapping his fingers against the cushion next to him. The triumphant look in his eyes made it clear my ire amused him and he was pretty damned pleased with himself over his perceived win. “The old couch is as comfortable as always. It’s like you never use it.”

“I’m not home much,” I lied. “You know? I have a social life now.”

His eyes narrowed, his amusement falling away, and his chin lifted toward me. “You’re back early from your date.”

“It was just for coffee.” I raised a brow. “It is Tuesday, and we both haverealjobs.”

“Ouch,” he deadpanned.

“Wouldn’t you be more comfortable at the hotel? I’m sure my aunt would set you up in one of the best rooms at the resort since you’re here for her big event.”


Silently conveying my irritation with him and my desire for him to just freaking leave, I stared at him with narrowed eyes. He stared back, his chocolate brown gaze taking in every bit of me. I couldn’t help doing the same with him. Drinking him in. However, I schooled my expression to exasperation.

Dang…it… This close, I could see so many of the ways he’d gone from teenager to man over the past six years. Even in high school, he’d been built with solid muscle, but he hadn’t filled out like this yet. Now, his face had matured, hardening some, and his shoulders seemed wider, his hips slimmer, and his thighs thicker.

What the heck was I doing looking at his thighs? I jerked my stare away. Apparently, Axel Pendleton was my kryptonite, and I was a masochist. He was the sun and I was Icarus. There were consequences of flying too close to the heat, too. I’d experienced it.

“We need to talk,” he said, reverting what he’d said earlier.


I shook my head.

“I’m going to my room.” It had been a long day. I couldn’t deal with him tonight. Or ever. I was a coward. Pressure throbbed at my temples. I needed to eat, too, which I wouldn’t be doing since I was escaping his presence.


The way he said my name did things too me. A million barely identifiable things that just reminded me of loss and made me long for what I couldn’t have. Myriad different emotions buffeted me, but mostly, right now, above everything else, I wanted to cry for what we’d lost. I wanted to cave, go to him, but I knew he’d just hurt me again.

“Not now, Axel. I… I didn’t ask you here and… Tonight, I just can’t, okay? Maybe, after all this time, I should just be okay, I should just be glad you’re here and you want to talk. But it’s too late. And I’m not glad. Maybe, another girl would fall all over you, but I won’t. Iwon’t. All the talking, all the…anythingbetween us, that was six years ago. It’s over. Done. There’s nothing to talk about.”
