The blood drained from me, replaced by pure, ice-cold terror. Bristol had been heading to our place to wait for me.

I didn’t remember running, but I was outside, tearing across the grounds toward my RV. Vaguely, I realized security, Quill and Troy flanked me. Before I could see the rig, thick acrid smoke filled the air, burning my eyes and throat.

Then I saw the bright orange flames coloring the night. Emergency vehicles, with blinding strobes flashing, filled the lanes in front and back of the lot where we’d camped. I staggered closer then saw the inferno that engulfed the entire motorhome while blasts of water from the firehoses streamed onto it, seeming to have no effect. Even from the distance the scorching heat licked at my skin with unbearable force.

Frozen, I stared at the horrific scene.

“Bristol!” I yelled over the cacophony of emergency workers, vehicles and the panicked voices of bystanders. Huck was nearby frantically screaming for Novie, and my voice combined with his anguished cries. “Bristol!”

I had to get her out. I had to save her. I couldn’t lose her. We’d just—

Hands grabbed me and kept me back when I tried to dash toward the blaze. I struggled against them. “Let me go! Bristol! I have to get to her!”

“Son, no,” Troy said, his tone grim with unvoiced realizations, while he held me back along with the others restraining me. “Let them…work. There’s nothing you can do.”

He didn’t understand. I couldn’t just…watch. God…

“Bristol!” I yelled as if I could get her to materialize before me unscathed. “No…”

Tears and smoke burned my eyes, the moisture streaming unchecked down my face. All I could see were the flames. The paint blistering away from the metal walls, melting in the heat. Bristol trapped inside. All our hopes and dreams turning to ash.

“Please,” I begged, whispering the plea, not even sure what I was begging for other than for Bristol to be okay. For time to turn back. For this all to be a hideous nightmare. “Please. Please. Bristol…”

I sagged in the hands restraining me, dropping to my knees, still trying to get away, even if I had to crawl toward Bristol. Nothing mattered if she was gone. Not the racing. Not life.

I was pulled back again, my fingers dragging along the grass. Powerful arms hugged me to the body behind me while I struggled, out of my mind. Reality and common sense didn’t exist. I had to get to my woman. I promised to always take care of her, to protect her. I’d promised…

“No! I have to—”

“There’s nothing you can do,” Troy rumbled. “I’m so sorry, but there’s nothing you can do. We’re not letting you run in there.”


“Get those cameras out of here!” Troy snarled at someone.

I hadn’t known media had followed. I didn’t even care if the world saw me crying. My heart, my purpose, smoldered within that blaze.

“Let me go,” I pleaded. “Let me go to her.”

His hold tightened, but he didn’t say a word.

My body shook with the silent sobs wracking through me while I watched the fire reaching toward the inky sky, destroying my home. And with it, obliterating my entire hope for the future.



Sirens wailed through the night as Novie and I made our way back from the vendor booths where we’d decided to get some hot pretzels and Cokes. We were almost back when we saw the flames coming from the drivers’ lot.

“Oh my God,” I cried and took off running. We dodged through the crowd of people trying to see what happened.


I thought I heard my name screamed through the night. Axel.

“Let him be alright,” I prayed as I ran to get back to the RV.

“Miss, you need to stop,” the security guard said, not letting me enter. The whole while, I could hear Axel. Feel his anguish. God, was he involved with the fire? Was he hurt?