
“It’s true. You’re everything. Having you as mine became my main purpose, even before I realized how long a lifetime together would be. But it’s also true I don’t really know what I’m going to do. Like you said, it’s always been racing.” I didn’t want to admit that, but I had vowed not to keep secrets from her. Not anymore. It had proved to be too destructive.

“There are other teams and even other circuits. You used to love doing all kinds of races. Like you mentioned, there’s motocross—though I’m not in love with that idea. I won’t dissuade you, but I know how dangerous it is. Or maybe, like you said, you could invest in a branch of the industry, into the talent. You have a lot to offer with your experience. I still can’t imagine your lifenotbehind a wheel, driving at breakneck speeds, though.”

“Yeah,” I agreed. I couldn’t imagine that, either. “We have a lot to think about.”


“Yeah. We. I don’t do anything without you. Not anymore. Now…since those are thoughts for other days and since we don’t have anything to do until we check in with the fam, let’s go back to bed,” I suggested. I had Bristol. Everything else was just detritus to deal with later. “Let’s celebrate really being together.”

She wrinkled her nose. “As much as I can’t wait to get in bed with you again, I want to take a shower. I feel kinda sticky.”

A wide grin split my face, and I let the bullshit problems slip away while I focused on my wife and my new plan that had moved up my priority list—get her pregnant. I knew she wanted us to have kids together; we had discussed that much in the dark last night.

“Shower sex. I like it.” I swung her up into my arms. “Good idea. We need to get a bigger place, though. Have you seen the shower here?”

She swatted my shoulder. “Axel, I’ve lived here for almost seven years.”

“Right, good time to move then. I’ll get on that first thing Monday, and start scouting places.”


“Or we can go look for a place this weekend. Wait. It is the weekend. We can go look today…and tomorrow. Flip mentioned these new Wellston condos the other day. That freaking family,” I groaned in a light-hearted tone. “Slapping their name on everything around town.”

Bristol shook her head. “But…but… You don’t have a job, and I don’t make enough to get another place, much less a bigger place or a condo at The Wellston.”

I chuckled. She was so sweet. “Baby, I know you said you didn’t follow my career, but you have to know I won a lot of races over the last six years, right? And I placed really well in a lot of them, too? You don’t get winnings for only the top spot.”

She nodded. “I know you’ve won races,” she scoffed, theduhclear in her tone. “I’ve seen pictures and videos of you in victory lane.”

“Not to brag, but you and I are wealthy. Just for winning Daytona last year, my take was twenty million after expenses for the team. Man, I’d like to do that race again and win it two years running. It’s next weekend, though. I bet Darius is putting that asshole Teddy in the car. I should have guessed his scheme when he told me Teddy would be doing the testing and practice runs until I got down there. He probably knew I’d find out what he did and planned this all along.”

“Twenty million,” she echoed, her face pale and her eyes wide as a deer facing an oncoming semi.

“Yeah. And that was one race in six years, so…yeah, we can afford a bigger place and to help my parents and to open your bookstore if you really want one and for me to give you that family we talked about last night—as soon as you’re ready.”

“I think I just fainted. For the record,” she said. She pressed a kiss to the center of my chest. “I’m not after you for your money. It’s your body I want.”

I snorted. “That’s always been yours. And considering I’ve belonged to you since before I had a fat bank account, I wasn’t really worried about that.” Shouldering into the microscopic bathroom, I set her on the countertop and wedged my hips between her thighs.

My fingers trailed the opening of the robe where it gaped and revealed the generous curves of her breasts. On one side, her areola peeked out and begged for my touch. I pulled her tight to me, splaying my hands on her ass and pulling her into my hard cock that was hardly contained by my barely fastened jeans.

Leaning in, I licked a path along the slope of her breast to that nipple that teased me then sucked it into my mouth. She cried out, shoving her fingers into my hair as she loved to do and wrapping her legs around me.

Forcing a lecherous smile onto my face, I leered down at her. “Maybe, I should just retire from car racing and spend my all time making your heart race.”

“Cheesy,” she accused, rolling her eyes.

“But you love it.”

Her teeth sank into her lips, momentarily hiding the smile that still burst free. “Maybe you need to show me again how you do that. You know…” She circled a finger, acting coy. “You know that thing you do with your pierced cock. I might be forgetting.”

“Are you? Forgetting?”

She twisted her head back and forth then curled her fingers into the open waistband of my jeans. The tips grazed my glans before she sank her hand into the already tight confines and circled my shaft, her thumb stretching up to play with my apadravya. I groaned and pushed into her grasp.

“No, I’m not forgetting, but I want more. I’m greedy that way. Maybe, there’s a benefit to having a horny husband. He wants sex just as much as I do.”