“Axel Pendleton?” a guy in a national delivery services uniform asked. To his credit, my greeting didn’t even faze him. Maybe he got a lot of grouchiness pointed his way. Who knew?

“Yeah,” I snapped

“I have a delivery for you.” He held up an envelope. “Can you sign here, please?” He thrust a tablet toward me with a stylus dangling from it. Once I’d scrawled my unintelligible signature, he took the device and handed me my delivery.

Turning away from the door, I let it shut behind me while I scanned the sender information printed in the section above my address. A rock fell into my belly: David Guest, Darius’ attorney. Yeah… This wouldn’t be good.

I tore into the envelope. My mind went in a million directions as I tried to guess what it could be. A single shitty suspicion rose to the top of the cesspool.

“What is it?” Bristol asked from the entrance to the hallway. She’d pulled on a thin pink robe and looked adorably mussed.

“I don’t know, yet. Hang on.”

I pulled out the documents, my eyes narrowing while I parsed through what looked like a contract. Only… It wasn’t.

And the hits keep coming. Shit.

“Guess I know why Darius wasn’t answering his phone,” I said. Since the call about Marta yesterday afternoon, I’d tried to reach him multiple times, completely pissed off that he’d lied to me and screwed over my parents. “If I understand this document, I’m fired. It severs any obligations. I owe him nothing, and he owes me nothing in return.”

“Are you serious?”

I flipped through the papers again, blowing out a breath. “Yep. Bet if I’d turned on the sports’ news this morning, it would have been all over the networks before I’d even been notified.”

“Oh my God… Axel, I’m so sorry,” Bristol said, rushing to me where I stood rooted to the spot, stunned but surprisingly not devastated. Her arms closed around me, and I pressed my nose into her hair while I returned the hug. God, I loved this woman, and I was so thankful she was mine. In all this shitshow, she was all that really mattered to me.

“It’s okay, baby,” I murmured into her temple before pressing my lips there. I dropped the papers and pulled her into me to kiss her thoroughly. “Good morning, wife.”

She peered up at me. Her cheeks were flushed, but concern filled her eyes. “Good morning. Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I was struggling with how I could keep driving for him after everything he’s done. I can’t believe how he hurt my parents, his own brother and his sister-in-law. So…I guess this solves a bunch of my problems. Answers a few questions, too. I bet he orchestrated all the drama, just for an excuse to end our relationship.”

“Why? You’ve done all he’s asked you to.”

I frowned. “I can’t even fathom how he thinks. Not with all I’ve learned about him.” My arms tightened around her. “Don’t worry. I have options.”

Offhand, I couldn’t tell her what they were, but I knew I did. Plus, if I never worked another day, we could live in luxury—even after I paid those medical bills.

I kissed the tip of her nose. “And I get to stay with you. That’s the best part.”

“What options?”

I shrugged. “Well…there are lots of things I could do,” I hedged. “Plus the other day, Mr. Anderson—Carson—offered to get me on a motocross bike. I was good, and during off weeks, I still ride when I get a chance.”

Admittedly, that wasn’t often.

“Or I can look into opening a shop that specializes in stock cars. I can help my dad run a team and train up-and-comers.” Now that I’d started thinking about it, a plethora of avenues lay before me.

“None of that is your dream.” She sighed, shaking her head as she grimaced. “I’m sorry. That’s not helpful. I shouldn’t have said that.”

I cupped her face, looking down at her, my forehead almost touching hers. “I’ve lived my dream for six years. I made a lot of money—a whole lot. But, baby, that life I lived kinda sucked. I wasn’t happy. To help my family, I was willing to sacrifice and put in the work to be the very best, but now, I know it wasn’t worth giving up the things—the people—most important to me. Leaving you behind is a mistake I will never, ever make again, no matter what direction my life takes.”

Tears glistened in her eyes. “Axel,” she breathed. “I love you so much.”

“I love you, too, Brisk. And I’m so sorry. I failed you.” She started to protest, but I pressed a finger over her lips. I needed to say this. “It was all for nothing. I hurt you for nothing. I wasn’t here for you. I lost all this time with you. Fornothing.”

She head shook, her expression vehement as she grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand away from her mouth. “Not for nothing. You have professional experience. You got to realize the goal you worked toward since childhood. Not many men—or women—can say they’ve raced in NASCAR or even claim they’ve achieved their biggest dream.”

“You’re right. Of course, you’re right,” I conceded. “But racing for the cup in NASCAR wasn’t my biggest dream. It was just my oldest one. Another dream took top place way back in junior high.”