“Yeah, Axel, what?” Van had teased, since my brothers had been apprised of the news while we’d waited for my mom to get out of recovery. “What secret is Mom gonna kick your ass over?”

“This’ll be good,” Aston had laughed under his breath, equally amused. Everyone in the room, besides my mom, was having a big laugh at my expense. Even Bristol, though I knew she was still annoyed with me—but not pissed anymore, and I was taking that as a win. In fact, other than when she’d left the waiting room to call her parents earlier, she’d been watching me speculatively, questions in her eyes.

Her eyebrow had lifted at me while I tried to find the words.

With no eloquence, I blurted, “Bristol and I are married.”

My mother had stared at me then looked at my dad. “What kind of drugs did they give me? Am I still dreaming?”

“No, honey. You’re wide awake. Apparently, our son is full of secrets,” my dad had said. “For some reason I don’t understand, even Bristol didn’t know.” When he looked at me, his narrowed eyes revealed a lot about his feelings on everything he’d learned tonight. Oh…he was glad to welcome Bristol into the fold and amused by the shit I was getting, but he wasn’t happy with my actions. My entire family loved her, though, and once upon a time, her joining us had been a foregone conclusion.

Hearing what his brother had done pissed him off, and in turn, he was a bit irritated at me for falling in with it. I had no doubt he’d give me a rough time for a while. In the end, of everything revealed, no one was upset to find out Bristol was one of us. As far as those medical bills and resulting loans, I’d personally see they were taken care of.

While I carried Bristol, I refused to think about Darius and his betrayal, how he’d cast me into stasis for six years. It hadn’t been completely for nothing. My bank account was healthy, I had experience and I’d also gained a reputation as a talented driver. Hell, I hadn’t landed as second in the series by chance. Tomorrow, once I’d gotten some rest, I’d have to sort out my path. I was stuck with Darius for the rest of the year, but I could probably find a new ride after that.

“Are we going to consummate this thing tonight?” Bristol asked, interrupting the thoughts I’d resolved not to have, but did anyway.

I snorted when I looked down at her wide smile—her wide smile accompanied by alert eyes now that she was fully awake. “I think we’ve consummated our marriage plenty times.”

Not that I’d let that stop me. My cock throbbed uncomfortably inside my jeans, wanting her naked beneath me…right now. It had been so long since we’d been one.

She raised an eyebrow at me. “That was six years ago. And one party in the equation was unaware of the situation.” Her finger jabbed my chest. “You had a library card, but you were taking books without properly checking them out.”

“Oh, speak sexy librarian to me,” I growled. She moaned, reaching up to slip her hand into my hair while I nipped at her neck. “In case you’re wondering,yes,we are definitely finishing what we started in the closet earlier. I want that more than anything. The memory of your walls squeezing around my fingers has taunted me for hours.”

Bristol giggled, throwing her arms around my shoulders to hold on when I took off in a jog the rest of the way up the stairs. As if she sought to make me crazy, she kissed along my jaw, down my neck then back up to my ear.

“Ineedyou, Axel,” she breathed after she nipped the lobe.

“Baby,” I groaned, while I fumbled for my keys. The blood rushed from my head to my already hard cock. My fucking jeans were going to strangle it. If my sexy wife didn’t kill me first.


Just that thought set the blood sizzling through me and made me even more possessive of her than I’d always been. Yeah, part of me was a total caveman—and I didn’t hide it very well. It had been all I could do to keep that part of me in check the past few days. Especially when I thought she’d gone out on a date with another man. I’d about gone nuts.

“I’ve missed us so much,” she said, trailing her fingers along the back of my neck. Trusting I had her secure in my arms and wouldn’t drop her, she let one of her hands explore and traced down my bicep then over my chest.

I bumbled open our front door and stumbled inside, giving the panel a shove with my foot to help it close faster behind us. With no pause, I rushed to the bedroom on long strides then placed Bristol on the bed, immediately climbing over her.

Giggling, she called out to her Alexa device to turn on the bedroom light and kicked out of her shoes while I shed mine.

“I needed the light on ‘cause I want to see you,” she told me, running her hands down my chest and lingering on my pecs. “It’s been so long. I can feel how different you are. I want to see it.”

“I’m not that different.”

“You are. You’re broader. You have more muscles. You’re harder, too. You work out even more now.”

Maybe, I was all those things because of the conditioning I needed for my job, but I also worked out to vent my constant frustration from missing her. In the past six years, I’d left behind teenage Axel. Then again, Bristol had shed her teen-self, too.

“Let’s talk about changes,” I said, kneeling up while I straddled her. My fingers traced down her sides from her shoulders. They skimmed the swells of her full breasts and slim waist on the way down to her lush hips. My fingers hooked on the waistband of her cute book-nerd skirt. “I need to see you, too. I have to know this isn’t just another fantasy.”

Moaning, Bristol sat up and wrapped her arms behind my back. Her face angled toward me, inviting my kiss. “I’m real. I’m right here.”

Leaning in, I hungrily pressed my mouth over hers, eating, devouring, taking all she gave. Our tongues tangled, both exploring, tugging back and forth into each other’s mouths, playful then warring for dominance. A dominance I’d never give over to her. It wasn’t in me. She didn’t want that anyway. My Bristol loved the feel of me over her, taking what I wanted from her and giving more pleasure than she could stand, never stopping until she overflowed from it.

I could have kissed her forever, but I wanted more. Pulling back, I reached for the hem her shirt. Though everything in my screamed to rush forward, I paused. My eyes met hers.

“Are you sure?” I asked. I couldn’t have her then lose her again. I didn’t want her to regret this in the morning—well later in the morning, anyway.