“You were going to propose?” I whispered in disbelief.

“Yeah. Of course, I was. I had a ring and everything.Have.I still have it, though to tell the truth I can afford to upgrade it to something bigger, now.”

“Don’t even think that.” I didn’t care what size the ring was—as long as the band fit my finger. Knowing Axel, it would.

So many questions assailed me. “Are you sure it’s legal? I bet it’s not. It can’t be.”

He drew me against his chest. His lips pressed to the top of my head, the sweetest balm to my ire. “It is. I checked. Then I had my lawyer check again. At first, it was a secret, so I could do this big thing. A big surprise—”

“Oh, it is a big surprise, alright,” I griped, my fight waning.

“Then…well, I needed you to not hate me before I told you. Because if you hated me, you would immediately run to a divorce lawyer, and that’s the last thing I wanted—the last thing Iwant. If you try to divorce me, Iwillfight it. I want you to be my wife.”

“I should see an attorney,” I growled, pinching his side. That was so far from the truth, so far from what I desired. Somehow, I’d gotten what I’d always wanted, without even knowing it. I was married to Axel Pendleton.


“Well, fuck me,” I said under my breath, still so stunned, my emotions still warring. I didn’t really know what to do with this.

“Trust me, I will as soon as we get home. That closet was only a foretaste of what I want with you. As soon as we know everything is okay here…”

“Damn, Sadie, we should have brought popcorn.”

My eyes widened while I stared at Axel, we both turned to see Sadie and Barke, laden down with takeout bags.

“Oh, yeah,” I murmured to Axel. “Aunt Willow is sending food.”

“You guys are married?” Sadie asked.

“They fight like they’re married,” Barke muttered.

“Shut.Up,” she replied then looked at us again. “You’re married?”

“You were there,” Axel said. “You and Ginger and Barke and Oak. You were even a bridesmaid.”

“No. Way!” she exclaimed. “That was real?”

“Now you know how I feel,” I quipped, with a side-eye at Axel. Undeterred, he slid an arm around me.

“We should go back inside,” he said.

Right. His mom and his family. That had to take precedence. Before we hashed this out. They needed us.

“Thanks for bringing food,” I said. They handed over the bags, choosing not to come in.

“I want details. All the details,” Sadie said into my ear as she quickly hugged me.

“You know I’m telling everyone,” Barke informed Axel with a smirk. I knew what that meant. My whole family would know within the hour. The Donovan-Woods gossip line was strong and fast.

Axel nodded. “Whatever you have to do, man. Can’t say I care. I want everyone to know Bristol is mine.”

My cousin sniffed a laugh, looking at me. “Better call your mom and dad, Bris. They’ll want to hear it from you and not from my mom.”

Crap. He was right. I scowled over at Axel, giving him the evil eye. This was his fault—him and some overly fruity, not-alcoholic-tasting drinks.

“Tell your mom I’ll call her tomorrow. Thanks again, both of you.” After more quick hugs, I turned and walked away. Axel followed on my heels, and his arm slid around me as we crossed the lobby.

“For the record, I’m still angry with you,” I said as he guided me back toward the family waiting room. Toourfamily.