Page 27 of Garrett's Obsession

I’m not too proud to admit that I’ve been a beast. After what happened with the Bellotti brothers, I worried my ass off about her and the baby. I had nightmares about that shit for a while. But Ciara handled it like a champion. She’s the strongest person I know.

She has been since the day I met her.

“Thank God for that,” Razor mutters, fucking with me. “The poor girl wouldn’t stand a chance with your ugly mug.”

Xavier and Colter both crack up.

“You three are the reason Todd is my favorite brother-in-law,” I mutter, flipping them off. “At least he isn’t a complete M-O-T-H-E-R-F-U-C-K-E-R like you two idiots.”

“Hey. What did I do?” Xavier protests.

“Slept with my sister.”

A broad grin spreads across his face, his eyes taking on a faraway look as everyone in the room laughs. The bastard. The truth is, he, Colter and Razor aren’t half bad. But I’ll never admit it to any of them. I prefer to keep the fear of God in them. Just in case they ever decide to fuck up with my sisters.

“Wouldn’t that make us sister fuc…”

Leia slaps her hand across Colter’s mouth before he can finish that sentence, making Charlie dissolve into a fit of giggles.

“Todd’s only your favorite because you’re sleeping withhissister,” Razor mutters.

“Razor!” Adalynn growls, smacking him across the chest. “You can’t say that. He’s only seventeen.”

Todd chuckles. “You know I know where babies come from, right?”

“No, you don’t.” Ciara glares at him. “They’re brought by storks who drop them off to loving families who want babies.”

“Whatever you say, CeCe.”

“You’re never dating or having babies.” She sniffs at him. “You’re too young.”

“I’ll be eighteen in a few months.”

Shit. Maybe it’s time for another talk with Todd about the birds and the bees. We’ve had a few. He always reassures me that he isn’t fucking around and isn’t planning on it, but judging by the look in his eyes, there’s someone in his sights.

Ciara’s right though. He’s too goddamn young to be worried about dating or babies right now. He needs to focus on college and the scholarship and career waiting for him. He has what it takes to make it to the NFL if that’s what he decides he wants.

He’s worked his ass off for it. So has Ciara. Despite everything, neither of them gave up or quit. They’re one hell of a team. I’ll be grateful for the rest of my life that they allowed me to join it, and that they trust me to lead it.

I take that job seriously. Ciara and the baby are my world. Todd has a big place in there right alongside them. They’re my family. I’d do anything for him, just like I would my sisters.

But right now, they all have to get the hell out of my wife’s room. They’ve been here for too long and I’m tired of sharing.

“Ciara is tired,” I growl as everyone chatters back and forth like one big, happy family. “It’s time to clear out.”

“They can stay,” Ciara protests.

“No, they can’t, Cherry. You need your rest.”

“I thought you were finished being a caveman now that I’m not pregnant anymore.” She pouts up at me, as beautiful as ever.

“Finished?” I smirk, striding across the cramped room to her as everyone rises to their feet to give us a little privacy. “I’m just getting started, baby.”