“Oh…damn I didn’t even know she had a niece.”

“Becky keeps a low profile, but she’s great with kids. She’d be perfect for Sawyer and I think he’d be good for her too.”

“Why do I sense there is more to this story?”

She smiles and leans down to kiss my lips. “Because there is,” she answers as she pulls away. “Becky’s stepfather beat her. When social services discovered it, they took Becky out of the home and that’s when she came to live with Brenda. She rarely goes out, though.”

“Maybe that’s why I don’t know her. Still, are you sure someone like that would be stable enough to care for Sawyer? It sounds like she has her own issues.”

“She’d be perfect. Tell Tucker. He knows her. Plus, she works from home and mostly at night. So, it will work out great,” she replies, sounding so confident it makes me smile.

“I’ll text Tucker in the morning.”

“Great,” she says, smiling big.

“What’s that big smile for, baby?”

“Do I have to have a reason to smile? I mean, today is our anniversary.”

“We have to be married to have an anniversary and you haven’t agreed to my ring on your finger—which, by the way, is annoying the hell out of me.”

“I wanted to wait to get married until I had my business up and running. You know that.”

“In case you haven’t noticed, your business is up and running,” I gripe.

“I opened my shop last week, Ryder.”

“And it has been a huge success,” I point out and I’m not lying. It has.

Her pet treat line is in high demand already, so much so that there’s a pet store chain in Dallas already inquiring about them. My woman is flourishing here, and it makes me so fucking happy that there are no words. We decided to move to Testa which is halfway between Dallas and Mason. It’s a town that is comparable to Mason and cuts my commute time in half. It also allows Tillie to visit with Faye and Mary pretty easily and still drive into Mason to visit the Lucas family, who have all but adopted her.

“Then, I guess, you should probably marry me.”

“I just don’t see why…Whatdid you say?”

“I said, you should probably marry me. I mean if you keep waiting, I’m liable to become a huge success and be a millionaire. I’ll be in high demand. Pretty soon Henry Cavill will hear about me and fly me out to his Beverly Hills mansion to consult with him on exclusive treats for his dog, Krypto. Then, he’ll take one look at me and fall hopelessly in love…”

“What the fuck?” I mutter, flipping her in the bed while she laughs hysterically. I bring her body under mine and look down at her. “Henry Cavill?”

She nods. “He’s yummy.”

“No more Superman movies for you,ever.”

“That’s okay. I think he’s hotter in The Witcher.”

“Okay, no more shows or movies at all with Henry Cavill.”

“I don’t hardly see that as fair. A girl needs good eye candy.”

“You have it. You have me. And tomorrow we’re going down to the courthouse and you’re going to say I do.”

“If your mother and mine don’t get a big wedding to plan they will never forgive either one of us, Ryder.”

“Do you want a big wedding?” I ask, looking down into her beautiful face.

“I kind of do,” she admits. “I’ve loved you for a long time. It seems like a wedding should be huge to celebrate it.”

“Fuck, Tillie, I love you.”