“I don’t remember Emily saying you had mental problems,” she mumbles, making my asshole big brother laugh as he grabs the seat beside her.

“I’ve suspected it all along,” Tucker says, making himself comfortable in the seat that was supposed to be mine. I’m forced to sit across from her, and it doesn’t exactly make me happy. I give Tucker a hateful look and he discreetly gives me the finger. He and I are going to come to blows. I know it and I’m sure my brother does too. The problem is I’m only in town for a couple more days and that gives him a very big advantage.


Am I really thinking about pursuing something with Tillie? She’s everything I swore to avoid after Emily. She’s the kind of woman that it would take giving your whole life for. That means risking my heart again. She’s also firmly entrenched in a town that I hate. Fuck, she gets along better with my family that I do. She’s joking with my brothers and even has my father laughing. She fits seamlessly in all of them. That's a foreign concept. Tillie is joking and laughing. Hell, she belongs more at this table than I do. I don't remember a time I've ever seen her so relaxed and happy. Damn, even going back to the time I knew her in school, I don't think I've seen this side of her.

I don't know if it's the playful smile pulling up her pouty lips or the blatant flirting my brother is doing that has me itching to lay claim to her, but the feeling is there just the same. And God, is she beautiful. I noticed it in the store, but right here and now, hearing her laugh, watching her be open and free with my brothers, it’s weaving a spell around me.

Iwant to be the man she gives her smiles to. Just the sound of her laughter has me as hard as a rock. She’s beautiful and sweet in a way I’ve never noticed in another woman. I think I saw that in her in high school, but I made myself ignore it. The other day it was more than apparent in the store, but right here, right now, it's getting to me. Hell, my attraction for her is like a hot trail of electricity that is pumping through my body and wrapping around my cock. I feel like a teenager with no impulse control around her. I get hard, and I can't even explain why. It’s not like she’s stripped naked and standing before me begging to suck my cock.But God how I wish she was.

It's unnerving how I'm reacting to her. I could write it off and say I need to get laid, but I don't think that's it. I've had opportunities for that, and my body wasn't interested. That feels like a crock of shit for a man to say, but that’s been the sad truth for quite a while. That isnotthe case when it comes to Tillie. I’d welcome the change—I want to. There are two things that hold me back.

The first is Tillie’s connection with Emily. It has been a while since I’ve had anything to do with Emily. She broke up with me six years ago. Getting closer to Tillie should have nothing to do with Emily. I can’t be sure Tillie will feel like that though.

The second reason and probably the most important, Tucker wants her. The last thing I need is to compete with my brother for a woman. Shit, the way it’s looking tonight, Tillie would choose him without even thinking about it.

Tillie's laugh breaks into my thoughts. Something my father said brings out the beautiful sound, and I'm drawn in like a moth to a flame. Her joy makes her pretty, brown eyes sparkle. Her face is full of happiness, and fuck, if I don’t just want to be close to her and be a part of it. I keep watching her, studying her as I realize how badly I want to talk to her. I just can't think of what to say. I'm not shy, so the feeling is virtually unknown to me. We never talked one on one. That was something I couldn’t allow after the mishap with her shirt. I knew I was attracted to her and that was trouble. I loved Emily and Tillie was just…temptation.

That means all my dealings with Tillie when we were in school usually had to do with Emily. I could ask her more about Emily, but I got the feeling at her father’s store that Emily is a sore subject. I don’t think bringing that up would be smart. I want to know what happened there, but it doesn’t take a genius to realize that now is not the right time to ask.

Tillie stands up, and the words tumble from my mouth. “Where are you going?” I ask. I get strange looks from my brothers as I try to mask my features with indifference. I'm not ready for her to leave. I haven't been able to talk to her yet.

Tillie’s cheeks turn a slight shade of pink as she looks uncomfortable. “I was just going to the restroom.”

“I'll walk you,” I volunteer.

“It's just across the room,” she says, frowning.

“You can't be too careful,” I insist, still trying to relax my features even though my heart has kicked up in my chest.

“You've been living in Dallas too long,” Tucker says, shaking his head. “But if she needs company, I can walk her.”

Tillie laughs as my brother sends her a wink, patting his shoulder. “There's no need. I'm fine.”

“I’ll do it anyway. I’m heading that way,” I invent. “I shouldn't have had that second beer.”

“Can't hold your liquor since you became a city boy, huh?" Dakota mocks.

I flip him off.

“Ryder, behave,” she admonishes.

Dad glares at me, letting out a breath that is filled with his disapproval. Dakota covers his laugh, pretending to cough as I approach Tillie to pull out her chair.

"This is silly. I really can walk myself," she hisses.

"You'll be walking,” I assure her. “Well, unless you want me to carry you. I will totally do that.”

“That is not happening,” she snaps.

“Then, you walk, and I’ll just be here beside you.”

She rolls her eyes. "I don't remember you being so weird in school," Tillie mutters.

“That's what happens when you move to the city to be a big baseball star,” Jase laughs.

“Give it a rest,” I tell them over my shoulder as I guide Tillie through the tables.