“It wouldn't have happened if you hadn't put my hand on your... your thingy-ma-bob,” I tell him, waving my hand in the air as I falter on what to call his dick. I'm not a prude, but this whole conversation is making me flustered and I’m afraid of making it worse.

He almost cackles. “Thingy-ma-bob?”

“Exactly.” I wheeze the words out as I swallow a lump of trepidation that forms in my throat. “Is everything...uh...all right down... there?” I motion in the general area of his dick, but I don’t look him in the eye or below his belt. I keep my line of vision somewhere on his chest.

“I'm not sure,” he says softly, his face thoughtful. “We can try it out later.” His lips turn into a wicked grin. I want to soak it in for a second. I've never seen this side of Ryder. I find myself trying hard not to smile.

“That is not going to happen.”

“I think it will, Buttons.”

“You only think that because you've lost your mind,” I counter, shaking my head.

“We’ll see.” Something about the way he says that makes a shiver move through my body. I can’t figure out if it’s because I’m excited or scared.I think it’s a mixture of both.“So, your name is Tilda.”

“If you call me that, I will permanently turn you into a eunuch after all.”

“What's that?”

“A castrated male,” I tell him flatly.

“You don't want that,” he says.

“Oh, but I really do.”

“No, you don't. Trust me. You'll want me and my balls to be at peak working condition,” he insists.

“Trust me, your working condition doesn't enter my mind.”

“Keep arguing, sweetheart. I always did like a challenge. Are you ready for dinner?" he questions, making my steps falter. I stand there in the warm, evening air staring up at him.

“I'm not going out to dinner tonight. I'm picking up a pizza, and then I'm going home to an empty house to enjoy the silence.”

“That sounds like fun,” he agrees as he begins walking with me, meeting me step for step.

“It's going to be heaven.” I let out a sigh.

“What do you like on your pizza?”

“Why does that matter?” I ask, frowning.

“I need to know what to order,” he explains with a wink.

“I already ordered. I just have to pick it up.”

“We better hurry then.” He nods toward the pizza place across the street.

“You're walking me to get my pizza?” I ask, confused.

“Yep. It's dangerous to walk alone at night, sweetheart.”

“First, it is not quite dark yet and even so, there are streetlights everywhere. Secondly, Tucker is right. You're too used to Dallas. This is Pine Ridge. Everyone knows everyone here. I’m perfectly safe.”

“Buttons, when a woman looks as good as you do, it's dangerous for you to be alone, no matter where you are.”

I roll my eyes. “Stop worrying about me. You need to remember what happened last time you insisted on walking me somewhere.”

He laughs as he puts his hand on my back, guiding me down the sidewalk. I about jump out of my skin when he leans over, kissing the top of my head just before his hand captures mine, holding it captive. I go along with him, dazed as my whole body is focused on his touch. I can barely manage to breathe. It takes all my concentration not to fall on my face because his touch is so unnerving.