Page 93 of Cognac Villain

“I’ve been relaxing.”

I didn’t realize Niles was paying such close attention to my movements. If he’s telling Anya what I’m up to, it’s probably safe to assume he’s telling Ivan, as well. I don’t know why it bothers me, but I’d rather him not know that I’m just hiding away in the library with a book while he’s out there, doing whatever it is he’s doing.

Anya snorts. “You don’t look relaxed. You almost shot through the roof when I walked in.”

“I’m used to living alone. It’s still new to have other people around.”

My apartment is probably already gathering dust. It’s only been a few days, but it feels longer. Like I’ve gone down the Wonderland rabbit hole and time is passing out of order.

She shifts towards the shelves, running her finger along a row of leatherbound books. “That makes sense. Ivan is still getting used to me popping in unannounced and it’s been years. He says he hates it, but I know he secretly loves the company.”

“He definitely does. It’s obvious the two of you are close.”

She smiles to herself. “Do you have any siblings?”

“No. It’s just me.”

“Are you close with your parents, then?”

I chew on the corner of my lip. “Nuh-uh. My dad left when I was little and my mom got remarried. We aren’t close anymore.”

She winces. “I relate to problematic parents, believe me. But I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. That’s life.”

“Yeah…” She sighs and then seems to come alive again, sitting up tall. “Speaking of parents, would you want your parentals invited to your wedding?”

“Invited to my—My future wedding, you mean? Or are you talking about… Ivan and I aren’t really getting married.”

Or are we? How far is he planning to take this charade? The image of me in a white dress standing in front of Ivan in a tuxedo… I mean, I can barely handle living next door to him. I cannot vow before God. I’ll be smote by divine lightning for my dirty thoughts alone.

Anya shakes her head. “I know, I know. This is all about appearances. If things take a little longer than expected, I’d love to have a guest list ready for Save the Dates. Just to keep up the charade.”

My heart rate eases back to something resembling normal. “I guess that makes sense.”

“So, on the parent front, is that a yes or—”

“No!” I say sharply. “No. Especially if it isn’t real. I’d rather keep them out of this. There’s enough going on without digging up the past.”

Anya leans in close. “You saidif.”


“If,” she repeats. “‘If it isn’t real.’Do you think it could be real?”

“What? No. No, that’s not what I meant. I didn’t say it like—I just meant that since this isn’t real, I won’t say anything. One day, when it could be real, with someone else, then maybe—”

“After reading that interview you rewrote, I thought I heard wedding bells.” Anya shrugs, a smug smile pinching her lips tight. “You never know how things might turn out.”

The interview.I almost forgot about that.

“Has Ivan read it?” I ask. “What did he think?”

Anya grins and reaches behind her. I didn’t notice the black box before. Probably because I was too busy screaming bloody murder.

“Niles said this arrived for you a few minutes ago.” Anya shoves the box into my hands and hovers over me. “Go on. Open it.”

Slowly, I peel open the lid. There’s a white piece of cardstock sitting inside. A single word typed in the center:Thanks. When I pick it up, I see what it’s covering.