Page 156 of Cognac Villain

I told Cora from the beginning that our relationship was just a facade. She knew it was going to end. But I never told her why.

I wanted her to think I didn’t care. It’s easier if she thinks I’m some heartless bastard who can fuck her and toss her aside when I’m done.

Now, she knows that it isn’t about not wanting to marry her or having no interest in her. It’s that Ican’tmarry her. I can’t be with her—because of my own bleeding fucking heart.

“What’s done is done, so don’t even bother trying to work yourself into a fuss about it. Better yet, drop it.Allof it. This mask that you put on, this bullshit facade—just cut that shit out.Tell Cora who you really are.Tell her what you did for me…and for Katerina.”

I shoot a warning look at my sister. She is the only person who knows about Katerina. About the truth of what I did.

Anya looks me in the eyes. “I know it’s hard for you, but you really can trust me, Ivan.”

“I know that.”

“Good.” She reaches out again and grabs my arm. This time, I don’t pull away. “Because I love you. You’re my brother. And, as depressing as it is for both of us, you’re one of my best friends, too.”

I wait for her to continue, but she doesn’t. When I look over, she’s blinking back tears.

I shake my head. “No. None of that. No crying.”

“Sorry. Now, it’s almost like I’m trying to scareyouaway.” She laughs and dabs at her eyes. “All I’m trying to say is, I want you to be happy. And I can’t remember ever seeing you as happy as these last couple weeks. Cora is—”

“A prop,” I interrupt. “She’s here to help us catch whoever is going after our family, and then she’ll be gone. It isn’t any deeper than that.”

She sags, staring at me with obvious disappointment. “I don’t believe you.”

“I don’t care,” I say flatly. “You don’t have to believe me. It’s the truth.”

“No, it isn’t.”


“No!” She stands up and plants her hands on her hips. “You’re lying to yourself. Even worse, you’re lying to me. You can hide from everyone else, but I’m your sister.”

I stand up, towering over her. “Exactly! You’re my sister. Which means you know better than anyone the kind of pressure I’m under.”

“Idoknow how much pressure you’re under. And I…” She wilts slightly. “I know that some of that is my fault. A lot of it, probably. Which is why I can’t let you walk away from this woman without a fight. You can’t just give Otets what he wants.”

“I’m notgivinghim anything. Hetakes,” I hiss. “All he fucking does istake, take, take. I won’t be like that. That is why I let Cora go.”

Anya frowns. “You let her go because you don’t want to be like Dad? I don’t…”

Cora looked me in my eyes and asked to leave. She told me she didn’t want to stay here. She said I would have to tie her down against her will to keep her here.

I am a lot of things, but I am not my father. I’ll never do to Cora what he did to my mother.

Anya seems to understand all at once. She sighs. “Ivan, this is different. It’s not like that.”

“I know it’s not,” I say quickly. “Because I let her go. She wanted to leave, so I let her. It’s not like it matters anyway. She would have left sooner or later. Might as well be sooner.”

“Don’t do this. Don’t deny how you feel because—”

Anya cuts off the same moment the front door opens.

There are only two people on this planet who barge through the front door like they own the place. One of them is already in the room. And the other…

“Ivan!” my father bellows.

Anya groans. “Just what this moment needs:twosullen bastards.”