I blush, I can’t help it. And try to shift my legs away from his erection without success. Trevor does it for me, which makes me blush harder.

“Just ignore him, Kerry. He’s excited to have you this close, is all.”

“Please God, tell me you don’t have a name for that… thing.”

He leans his head back with a long laugh. “No. But my dream is to have you begging for it. Except in my fantasies you’re calling out for my cock.Thingwill work, though.” He shrugs with a teasing glint gleaming in his eyes.

I don’t know what comes over me. Maybe it’s being in bed with a gorgeous man for the first time. Maybe it’s so early all my inhibitions have flown out the window. But I find myself asking, “May I touch it?”

Trevor’s eyes widen in shock, but he slowly nods. “As long as you don’t mind getting a bit messy if I lose control.”

Before I completely lose my nerve, I reach my hand under the covers and into the front of his loose pants, keeping my eyes on Trevor’s face. I learn his cock by touch alone and I love the way he thickens under my questing fingers. His skin is velvety and warm. Trevor holds himself still while I explore, but before long he’s closing his eyes and biting down on his lip.

His breathing increases and then he’s reaching down to still my fingers. “Sweetheart, if you keep going, I’m going to cum all over your hand. Your call, though.” He releases my hand and now I bite my lip. I want to know what that’s like too. I trace a finger underneath his cock.

“Fuck, Kerry!” With a jerk, Trevor thrusts against my curled fingers and I feel a long, hot gush of wetness against my skin. It keeps coming and I keep stroking, emboldened by the evidence that I can have this much effect on someone.

With a shudder, Trevor relaxes back. “We should get up.”

I think about it. Maybe. Probably. But I’m comfortable right here. Trevor reaches down to snag an errant curl from my face. He tugs it gently. “When you’re ready to let me do that for you, you’ll tell me, right?”

I blink at him, confused.

“Make you cum, Kerry. I don’t want to scare you if you’re not ready,” he explains gently.

“I…I… later?”

He nods with a soft smile and pulls the covers back.


I need every ounce of restraint I’ve learned over the years not to roll Kerry under me and pound into her innocent pussy. My cock is in love with her, clearly, and she’s moving faster than I expected in being open to a relationship with me.

Of course, she may just be exploring and I’m good with that too, except if it means walking out the door without her. That’s not happening if I have any say in the matter.

When I turn back towards the bed and catch her sniffing her hand with a curious expression, I can’t hold back a possessive growl. She looks at me inquiringly, and I grin. “You bring out the caveman in me, Kerry. I like knowing my cum has seeped into your skin.”

She rolls her eyes. “Go take a shower. Cavemen didn’t have to worry about pants.” She nods towards the wet spot decorating the front.

If she expects me to be embarrassed, she’s in for a disappointment. My girl made that spot happen and I’m fucking proud of her.

When I emerge from the shower dressed in everyday jeans and a long-sleeve t-shirt, Kerry has fled my bed and is making noise in the kitchen. It’s clear she knows I’m coming up behind her at the stove because she stills her movements, but she stays silent and doesn’t turn around. I lean down to whisper against her neck. “You going shy on me now that the sun’s up?”

She jumps slightly and then sighs. “Nooo, just maybe — I shouldn’t have done that earlier. I don’t know if I can…” Kerry heaves another mighty sigh and absently flips the eggs.

Full-on retreat. Right. I take the spatula from her hand and turn the stove off. The eggs can wait their turn. “When was the last time you took a vacation?” I ask quietly.

“Uh. I had to take a business trip to Chicago two years ago. Does that count?”

“Nope. I think we should get away for a few days. Nowhere far, just different,” I add, as she’s already shaking her head no. “You might see things slightly differently in a new location, and we can both let someone else cook.”

“But it’s expensive…”

I shake my head firmly. “No, I know a guy whose family owns a lodge not too far from here. Plus, I figure we’ll save by getting one room.”

Her eyes flare in panic, like I expected. “Sweetness, all I’m planning on is holding you. Anything else is on you from nothing to a repeat of this morning. I have no expectations, but I’d like a chance to earn your trust.”

Kerry mulls that over before giving a small, tight nod.