“It’s been six months, and you weren’t uh…”

“You know that and I know that, but the town doesn’t.”

“Ah.” I’m beginning to see the complications she’s anticipating by getting involved with me.



The lodge is beautiful. Far fancier than anything I would have picked, and Trevor won’t tell me how much he’s paying for it, even with the friends and family discount. I collapse down on the perfectly made bed, with a view of the mountain lake past the balcony. I’m not tired exactly, but I’ve used up all my bravery for the day getting the words out that I’m willing to date Trevor. Now I don’t know what he’s expecting from that.

Apparently not that much. “Stop playing possum, Cupcake. We’re going on a hike,” he announces cheerfully while tugging on my ankle.

My eyes pop open. “Define hike.”

“A gentle stroll around the wilder side of the lake,” he qualifies.

“So no hills or scrambling over things.” I shade my eyes so I can assess his honesty better. Carter was notorious for calling a mountain requiring grappling hooks a gentle incline. I need to know if that trait was genetic.

“Flat all the way. If it’s not, we can turn back and I won’t say a word.”

“Pinky swear?” I hold up my right hand without lifting my head off the pillow.

“If you insist.” Trevor heaves a huge sigh before linking his little finger with mine. But then he rotates his hand and uses the grip to leverage me off the bed.

Turns out it is a straightforward walk in the woods, well, lakeside. There’s a path bereft of tree roots and rocks. With the gentle lapping water of the lake on the left and giant looming evergreens on the right. Impossible to get lost and easy enough to enjoy the sunshine. It’s starting to hit home how long it’s been since I experienced something out of the ordinary.

“Turn right at that boulder, Cupcake,” Trevor calls from behind me. He insisted I lead so he wouldn’t go faster than I was comfortable going, but I think he also wanted to check out my ass. He certainly didn’t deny it when I asked, nor did he look embarrassed. As to why he’s suddenly taken to calling me Cupcake, I’ve no idea. I’m still deciding if I like it or not…

I wait for him at the boulder, all of two seconds. “Why are we turning here?” I ask dubiously. I appreciated the relative safety of the lake’s edge.

“Surprise picnic supper.” He grins and takes the lead after all pulling me behind him down the barely there trail.

About two hundred feet in, we encounter a beaming round woman. “Trevor, is that you? You look divine, young man!”

Trevor laughs and leans down to kiss her heartily on the cheek. “Not so bad, yourself there Mrs. D. Hey, thanks for arranging this.”

“My pleasure. Any chance you’ll have the wedding here?” Trevor gives her a warning shake of the head, which amuses me greatly until the woman turns to me all flustered.

“Oh dear. You must be Kerry. It’s so nice to finally meet you! You two forget all about me and go enjoy yourselves. Trevor, you might need the emergency supplies in the window seat. Everything’s fresh.”

“Got it, Mrs. D.” Trevor smiles and leads me past the woman heading down the path and towards — a treehouse? It takes me a second because the trail just ends at the base of a giant maple that must be ten feet in diameter. Then I look up.

“Oh!” I eye it in wonder. It’s not a kid’s treehouse, although it might have been once. This is a definite upscale version with painted trim and adult-size doors, although they’re not huge.

“Ready?” Trevor asks cheerfully, holding onto the edge of a rope ladder.

“Um, are you sure it’s safe?” I stare at the rope dubiously. “I mean, it looks okay, but…”

“I’m sure. The Finlays run a tight ship and Mrs. Donnelly just came and went with no problems. I’ll hold it steady for you, though, so you won’t wobble.”

I take a deep breath and head up the ladder. Mostly because I’m dying to see inside it and this appears to be the only way up.


Gotta say, Mrs. Donnelly outdid herself. There’s a pristine picnic blanket laid out in the center of the treehouse with cozy cushions for lounging around the edge. And the food is plentiful and perfect. Chef must have felt his skills were being tested. There’s even a tower of cream puffs and chocolate-covered strawberries like you’d see at some fancy do.

I let Kerry check out the treehouse. We’ve got at least an hour before sunset starts and she’s having fun looking in all the cupboards and out the windows. I take a seat to stay out of her way and pop a ripe cherry tomato in my mouth.