“Hey, are you starting without me?” she asks teasingly.

“One tomato. There’s about five hundred more when you’re ready.”

She giggles at that. “This is magical, Trevor. How did you think to do this?”

I resent the implication of my lack of romance, but it’s fair. “I didn’t. Mrs. Donnelly arranged everything when I told her I was bringing you, finally.”

Kerry blushes at the emphasis I put on the last word. “She knows you had a thing for me?”

“Have, Cupcake. Definitely have. And yes, it was the only way to convince her to stop matchmaking. All it did was make the women cry and confuse her, so eventually I broke down and told her.”

Kerry stops abruptly in front of me and settles down on her knees. “I don’t understand. You haven’t been with a woman in… years? I thought guys… um.” She flails her hands anxiously, making me laugh, so I pull her down to kiss her gently.

“Probably. Most guys, anyway. Honestly, I wasn’t being a martyr, baby. Just after seeing you, touching your hand briefly once, every woman I came across might as well have been my sister. Eventually I stopped worrying about it and got the tattoo.” I shrug to take some of the pressure off that I can see building behind her eyes.

“Kerry, none of that is on you, sweetness. Take your time.” I trace a finger down her soft cheek. “And eat a strawberry or two. I don’t want to have to haul this food down the ladder,” I tease her because there’s a lift of sorts on a rope for hauling things up and down. But I want the crease between her eyebrows to unfold.

“Goodness, it’s a lot of food,” she breathes out as she finally turns to take in the enormity of the spread.

We snack across the variety of plates and dishes without much talking. When the first streaks of color appear in the sky over the lake, I pour two glasses of champagne and nestle Kerry against my chest so she can watch and I can touch her finally.

“Um, this is perfect,” she says blissfully, taking a sip.

“Yeah, it really is,” I agree completely, keeping one arm wrapped around her middle. She smells of sunshine and strawberries.

When the last of the bright color fades from the sky and it’s the residual gloom of dusk, I lean down to kiss Kerry’s cheek. “Cupcake? You’ve got a decision to make. We can spend the night here or it’s time to head back to the lodge.”

“Oh! I didn’t… I forgot. Isn’t it too dark to walk back? But we have food here, but…” her voice trails off, distress evident, which makes me kick myself.

“Either way, we’re fine, Kerry. There are flashlights for this very purpose, or the supplies Mrs. Donnelly mentioned are fresh sheets and blankets. It’s truly whatever you would prefer.”

Kerry bites her lip while she thinks about it. No doubt weighing all the pros and cons.

“What about a bathroom?” she finally asks, her practical nature rising to the fore.

“That, I’m afraid, is the downside to staying. It’s going down the ladder and using the woods as nature intended.”

She pouts, before finally stating, “If I have to go down the ladder anyway, then I think we should head back to civilization. But I wish we didn’t have to.”



I do my best to still my mind and calm my raging cock on the walk back to the lodge. It’s not enough. One look at Kerry in her modest little nightgown and I’m eighteen all over again. Drooling over what I can’t have.

So when she pads up to me on her bare feet and stands between my knees, I’m speechless.

“I have a question for you,” she says softly and oh so earnestly.

Giving her a jerky nod of acknowledgment, I fist my hands to stop them from grabbing her.

“Would you prefer to make love to me now, knowing I’m not committing to anything permanent — yet,” she pauses and I’m afraid to hope but ready to plunge into her before she changes her mind. “Or wait until I’m sure and we’ve discussed all those things that might be deal breakers?”

I let myself hold her waist so I don’t knock her over when I stand. “You planning to sleep around after we’re married?” I tease her, knowing that’s probably the farthest thing from her imagination.

She shakes her head mutely. “Good, because that’s about the only deal breaker I can think of.” Kerry opens her mouth to fill me in and I stop her with a soft kiss. “You can have whatever you want on anything else, Cupcake. I mean it. But you should know that I will do everything in my power to make you one hundred percent addicted to me and my cock.”

She rolls her eyes, but lets me lead her to the side of the bed. I tuck her in under the covers. “Wait right here. I’ll be back.”