She nods. “But you said you were going away…”
Ah, that’s what she’s worried about. “Those plans are flexible, sweetness. If you’d rather stay here, I’ll simply shorten the trips I do need to take and spend more time with you in town.”
“Oh. Okay.” She smiles, but I can tell there’s still something on her mind.
“Out with it, Dani. Whatever’s bothering you,” I prompt her while I dish up the pasta and pull the bread from the oven.
I half expected Leo to get angry when I turned him down for the job part. But he didn’t, just shrugging it off while serving dinner. So now I have to finish my explanation before things get even more awkward.
“Um,” I tear off a small piece of bread to buy some time. “It’s just that I’ve never… uh, that date with Jeremy you witnessed is as far as I’ve ever taken things.” I stare down at my plate, moving my fork around idly until the suspense gets to be too much and I meet Leo’s blazing eyes. I gulp some wine. He still hasn’t said anything. “Leo?”
“I promised myself and, by extension, you, that anything that happened before today had no bearing on the future. But I really like hearing that. A lot.”
“I don’t want to wait anymore,” I confess, spearing some penne with my fork. “I don’t want to miss out on knowing what it’s like with you by delaying. You might get bored with me.” I shrug with a smile.
Leo’s jaw clenches. “Sweetness, if I wasn’t clear — I’m keeping you forever unless you simply don’t want to be here. But the minute I sink into you, all bets are off.” He’s gone all growly, and it makes my insides quiver with delight. When Leo gets passionate about something, even corporate lunchrooms, he radiates energy and his movements slow down like a panther stalking prey. “Eat, Dani. That’s not happening tonight. I did promise to deliver you home in one piece.” His grin is wicked. “But I’ll make sure you know what you’re asking for.”
I raise an inquiring eyebrow, but he gestures at my plate. It is delicious and he smoothly changes to the less volatile subject of his plans for implementing a vegetable garden on the small deck that surrounds the house.
Leo gets up to clear the plates, gently shaking his head at me when I start to follow him into the kitchen. He comes back and partially refills our glasses, then leads me out to the cozy seating area tucked in under the overhang of the loft upstairs.
There’s a wicker loveseat, and a climbing rose in a large pot that makes it private and romantic. Leo’s hand on my arm stays me while he sits down and places the glasses on a shelf. He pulls me down on his lap and suddenly I’m surrounded by Leo. His delicious scent envelopes me, along with his arms. He rests his chin on the top of my head and simply holds me. It’s lovely, but I’m dying of curiosity.
“So what exactly do you do to students who show up to class without panties? And how often does that happen?”
I can feel his laugh against my back before it hits my ears. Then his lips nuzzle against my neck, nipping lightly. “A few bolder students have tried it, but ignoring it puts a stop to things pretty quickly. If it continues, my TA gets to be the lucky one to tell them they’re being reported to the student conduct board. I make sure it seems like he or she is the only person that noticed. You, on the other hand, if you tried to flash me your pussy — or maybe show me how wet your panties are…” His hand is suddenly under my skirt and boldly rubbing against my seam where my panties are indeed soaking. “You would be firmly disciplined for attempting to distract me. And succeeding.” Leo turns my head to claim my lips with his just as his hand pulls my panties to one side and a thick finger enters me.
My pussy clenches around him, tasting and considering while my mouth continues to be ravished. Leo sucks on my lower lip before pulling back with a groan. His finger stills deep inside me and I wriggle, wanting more of all of it.
“What kind of discipline? A spanking?” I meet his gaze with wide eyes, not sure why this idea has my pussy clenching down on his finger. He slides it free and I pout, much to Leo’s amusement.
“Not if it’s going to get you that excited,” he points out wryly. “A punishment is supposed to curb behavior, not encourage it.”
“Oh.” I can’t keep the disappointment out of my voice. Leo’s finger returns to my clit, this time swirling it firmly under his touch. “Leo!”
“A first-time offense would leave you hungry and wanting for the rest of the day,” he explains gruffly against my ear, his hand moving my panties back into place. I glare at him.
“What if I did it again?”
“Oh, a second offense is a much more serious infraction. After all that first time, you didn’t really know you were being bad, but now you do. So a repeat offense means you get sent to my office to wait.”
I feel Leo’s cock hard under my thighs. I try to shift my legs so I can straddle him, but he holds me still.
“Wait for what?” I pant eagerly.
“For the end of class. You know I’m going to punish you and you know you deserve it. When I come into the office, I’m locking the door and bending you over my desk. You’re so wet from anticipation it’s dripping down your thighs. Then I stuff you so full of cock you can’t possibly move. All you can do is stand there, your face pressed flat on the desk, and take your punishment. When you finally cum hard on my cock, you realize in no uncertain terms your pussy belongs to me.”
I shudder with need as Leo growls dirty words in my ear while teasing my lower abdomen with caresses that make my uterus tighten and my pussy flood.
“Leo! Please!” I whine.
“Poor Dani. Are you excited by the thought of being bad? I think you are.” This time, he pulls my panties down completely until they’re by my knees. Two fingers thrust into my throbbing channel while his thumb presses down on my clit. I convulse into a tight ball of sensation, everything in me clenching down on those fingers. Then it dissipates into smaller waves of bliss, my nerve endings feeling alive and cleansed as my muscles relax. I sink against Leo’s chest while his strong arms cage me.
His lips tease my forehead. “Sweet Dani,” he murmurs and then goes silent.