I see the little typing bubbles, then they pause and start again. Finally he just answers,Yes.

Wow, when he said he was waiting for me, I didn’t know he meant to that degree. I let out a shuddering sigh and check in on Professor Emerson. He appears to be on the last page, so maybe we’re getting close here.

Where are you taking me to dinner?I ask Leo cheekily.

Where do you want to go?Comes back even quicker.

Someplace quiet, without crowds where I can take my shoes off.

Would it make you uncomfortable if I cooked for you at my place?

I think about it. I’m dying to see his inner lair. He’s notorious for not inviting students or faculty over. Most of the professors that live in town will throw an end of semester BBQ or holiday party now and then, but not Professor Malone.

I’d like thatI reply and then slide my phone into my pocket as the Dean takes the stage to start handing out diplomas.

Then it’s just a blur of moving students all eager to get on with the celebrations. When it’s my turn, I don’t dare delay things by scanning the crowd, but I know he’s there. I was toward the back, so by the time I’ve returned to my row, the very last student is up on stage. I check my phone again and find a message from Leo with where to meet him, just down a side path that circles the massive parking lot.

I head out, waving to a few people I’m acquainted with casually. I’m not willing to linger to chat, though, and I’m more than a little anxious over how Leo is going to respond when I give him my answer.


Dani looks slightly nervous when I lean down to kiss her cheek. “What? You worried I’m about to pounce on you?” I ask her, only half-joking.

She shakes her head with a smile. “Nooo, just not sure how you’ll respond to my plans. That, and I can’t quite believe you’re willing to let me into your inner sanctum. Nobody goes there, and the rumor is you might have a crazy wife in the attic.”

I grin. “Far worse than that, sweetness. My bedroom is in the attic.”

Her eyebrows scoot up, but her smile never dims.

“Come on, I promise to allow you to go home after dinner. This time.”

We walk quietly down the side streets towards the river. When I lead her down the dock, I see the light bulb go off. “No way! A houseboat? You?”

I nod, curious to see what she’ll make of it. It’s one of the older smaller ones tied to the bank, but that means it was well made and weather tight. “That’s why I never invite people over. They’d never leave, particularly in the summer. You, Dani, have an open invitation. But if I convince you to take me on, we can move to something more conventional.” I don’t want a floating house to be what keeps her out of my arms, even though I love the place.

“I want to see it, all of it.”

Dani isn’t shy as I give her the short tour. She sticks her head into cupboards and looks out windows, only slowing down when I lead the way up the spiral stairs to the lofted bedroom. She sits down on the bed. “You can’t feel any motion at all,” she says in wonder.

I bite back the dirty joke, but she catches it in my eyes, I think, and gapes at me. “Professor!”

I growl and lean down to claim her lips. “Not anymore to you. Not unless you’ve got an itch to role play and then I’d be happy to demonstrate what happens to naughty students who come to class without any panties.”

She bites her lip and blushes while chewing on that. “Maybe a raincheck?”

“Cheeky brat. What would you like for your graduation dinner?” I ask, changing the subject as I think I’ve pushed on her boundaries hard enough for now.

She shrugs and looks uncertain. “How about pasta with Italian bread and salad?” I suggest, as it won’t have any long cooking time to make her nervous.

Dani smiles. “That sounds perfect. Do you mind if I take my shoes off?”

I shake my head and she slides her sandals off her feet with a sigh of relief before standing up.

Later, while I’m cooking and Dani is seated at the small counter with a glass of wine, her face grows serious. “I thought about your suggestion — the one about coming to work for you for the summer, and I don’t want to do it.”

I pause in my stirring, not sure if she’s telling me to fuck off or something else, so I wait. “I don’t want to confuse things even further and the job with Davis Tech will help with my resume. But I do want to, um,” she flutters her hands and blushes. “I want to be with you,” she lets out in a rush and my heart resumes beating.

“Okay, so you’re willing to date me, but you don’t want to work with me?”