Ah. I incline my head with a self-deprecating eye roll. “That didn’t last very long, did it?”

Leo shakes his head with a smile. “I like having you close, but I’m glad you can tell me no when you want to.”

I consider that while chewing on a tiny quiche. “You don’t make it easy.”

Leo growls and nuzzles my neck. I half wait for my caveman to reappear, but no such luck. When I pout slightly as Leo pulls back he smirks. “Baby, we have to stay dressed and be able to converse for a few hours, then I will ravish you to your heart’s content.”

“Fine,” I mutter, wondering when I turned into a sex maniac. Was I always this way and just repressing it, or is it Leo?

I’m positive it’s Leo. When we make our way into the jovial wedding reception of approximately two hundred people, I spot at least ten women suddenly stop talking mid sentence to check out his ass. Leo makes introductions to his friends that are there and suddenly I’m smothered in hugs from their wives and girlfriends, while the men grin maniacally at Leo.

There’s one man, closer to my age, who somehow manages to appear completely alone despite being surrounded by people that clearly know him well. “Who’s he?” I whisper to Leo, curious about the handsome man in military uniform.

Leo’s eyes flare briefly as if he’s ready to be jealous, but the fire dampens immediately when he follows my gaze. “That, baby, is a man who can’t move on from his first love. Or won’t. That’s Trevor Daniels.”

He seems more stoic than heart-broken. “Did she die?” I can’t think of what else would result in the man’s air of steely resignation. He’s mingling, but not like the other clearly single men at the party. He’s aloof from the world.

“No,” Leo snorts. “She married someone else. He met her for the first time at her wedding. He’s something of a legend in certain circles. Makes me grateful I got my girl.” He leans down and claims my lips possessively. I hear distant chuckles from his friends.

When we’ve done the rounds of the room once more, Leo mutters, “Let’s get out of here.”

After we’re clear of the noise, I finally ask, “Why were all the guys grinning and laughing like you were about to fall in the lake?”

Leo’s eyes do that crinkly thing at the corners. “That’s not too far from it. They saw how I look at you and they’re convinced I’m…” I can tell he doesn’t want to say the word, so I do.


He nods, then leans down to kiss me. “I do really like spending time with your pussy,” he growls in my ear.

“Good. Because I didn’t like how random women were checking out your ass, so I think it should stay in bed where they can’t see it.”

That makes Leo grin. “I like the possessive streak, Dani. Let’s see if it lasts now that you’re at my mercy.”

We’ve arrived back at our room and without another word, Leo eases the zipper of my dress down. “There’s no escape, baby. I’m about to plunder that pussy in less than five minutes. Not once, but ten times. You’ll be pressed so far down into the mattress you won’t be able to move.”

I shiver with delight and feel my pussy flood in anticipation. Leo gives me a warm smile and a kiss before tapping my ass and pushing me gently towards the bed. I detour by the bathroom. If I’m going to be ravished like that, I want to be ready to enjoy it.


What my friends really said to me was that they could see now why I’d been like a bear with a sore paw for the last three years. And they sincerely hoped I fucked it out of my system tonight with my new sweet little wife.

But the wait for her was on me, so I don’t want a whiff of guilt going anywhere near Dani. I want her happy and satisfied from here on out. Which, judging by the smile on her face, is going well. She hasn’t wiggled her fingers today, but I’m thinking when I flip her over and take her from behind, that won’t be long coming.

Sure enough, when I reach around to tug her nipples just as she clamps down on my cock, I see her fingers splay and spasm. Her head is bowed, and she’s panting while her pussy milks my cock for all it’s worth. When I ease her back down into my arms for a brief nap, she mumbles, “What happened to ten times? That was only three.”

“Give me a few minutes, Dani. There’s always that one smartass…” I cup her butt cheek possessively, but she ignores that to thread her fingers through my hair.

“Just let me know if I should take over,” she says sassily, her eyes gleaming in the moonlight.

Growling, I claim her lips and grind her into the mattress briefly until she’s squealing with laughter and finally calls, “Mercy!” At which point I flip us both over and pull her tight to my chest. I thought I knew a life with Dani would be passionate. Turns out it’s joyous too.



Five years later

I don’t want to get up. Leo is already out of bed and probably loading up the truck. But I’m cuddled under the covers, still relaxed from the way he played my body last night. I just want to lie here and relive his epic dirty talk foreplay session. This time I was the graduate student who wore a see-through blouse to her thesis defense and had to be taught the error of her ways. That was in honor of my newly minted master’s degree — obtained without the use of provocative clothing. And now that I have it, we’re moving into the mountains. Today!