Dani’s right not to trust me. Oh, she does on the things that really count, but she’s figured out pretty fast that I like to surprise her. Tomorrow will be interesting. She might balk, but I don’t think so. Like graduation, I think she’ll be relieved to skip the majority of the drama. Particularly the bits that remind her that her mom and other family aren’t with her. Her mom, who was once my high school history teacher, called me out of the blue to ask me to stop by her hospital room several years ago.
I hesitate to say she was matchmaking, but I can’t rule it out either. What she did ask is that I keep an eye on her daughter while she was at Bayview and when the moment was right to give her a small package, which she promptly handed over. About the size of a CD case but a little thicker, it’s still wrapped in the original pink foil paper. I’ve never been tempted to look at the contents. Too busy trying to assess the right moment, I guess.
“When exactly is that?” I’d asked her mom.
“When she’s truly happy. When she can’t stop smiling and she wiggles all ten fingers at the same time. Dani only does that when she’s blissfully happy.” I’d nodded and accepted the package with reservations. I didn’t have a ton of time to chase after an undergrad to check her fingers.
But I fit it in anyway while falling in love with her. I watched her wiggle all ten fingers at once when I fed her strawberries in bed the night after fucking her like a caveman in my office.
Retrieving the package from my overnight case, I set it on the small coffee table on the balcony before walking up behind Dani and nuzzling her neck. The waist high walls of the enclosure mean nobody can truly see but as I remind her, “If you make noise and cause someone to look up they will most definitely know what we’re doing from your face.”
Dani pants slightly in response and, as I cup her ass under her robe, I can feel her practically throbbing with excitement. She doesn’t want to be watched. She craves the thrill of escaping detection. My so very, very good dirty girl.
I make sure there’s nobody in sight, though, when I push into her from behind. She squeaks slightly in surprise at the new angle which I was anticipating. “Remember, absolute quiet, Dani,” I remind her with a soft murmur before picking up the pace of my thrusts and reaching around to thrum her clit.
As soon as we both cum, I pivot her around swiftly to claim her mouth, letting her safely vocalize all the pent up sounds.
She pushes me back slightly with both hands on my shoulders. “What’s that?”
I turn to follow her gaze. “That’s for you. It’s from your mother.”
Dani looks like she couldn’t have heard me right.
I sigh and swipe my hand through my hair. “I saw your mom briefly, and she gave me that to give to you. I’ve no idea what it is.”
“I don’t understand. My mom’s been dead for years now. You couldn’t possibly have met her.” She’s anxiously twisting her hands until I still them.
“Let’s sit down, sweetness.” And with that, she’s cuddled on my lap. But Dani is too distracted by the bright package to really notice that I’m still naked.
“What did your mother do before she got sick?” I ask gently.
“She taught high school two towns over from where we lived. Why?”
“Because she happened to teach me there. Junior and Senior year, as I recall. She called out of the blue about five years ago. Asked me to come by the hospital.”
“Oh. She never said.” Dani’s face is troubled.
“Why don’t you open it? Maybe there’s a clue as to why she didn’t,” I prompt her as kindly as I can. Dani nods mutely, so I hand her the small package. She slowly pulls back the taped ends, revealing a white gift box. The lid lifts off easily to reveal white fluff. Dani sighs and pulls it out.
Inside is a delicate window ornament with a cheeky Cupid aiming his bow to the side while sayingHe’s the one. I’m going to slow him down while you make your move!Dani gapes at it, then at me, then back at Cupid. And bursts into giggles.
“What exactly did she say when she told you to give this to me?” Dani asks, still laughing.
“She wanted me to look out for you at the college and to hand you this when I saw you wiggle all ten of your fingers at the same time,” I say slowly, not sure what she’s looking for. But it gives Dani something because she nods decisively and hops off my lap, still holding the ornament.
“You were chosen, Professor. By my mother. Old-fashioned matchmaking with a twist.”
“Does that mean you’re going to marry me?”
Dani peeks through her lashes. “Sure? Was that you asking?”
Tugging her back into the room, I take Cupid from her and set him safely on the bureau, then pull back the sheets and point. Dani slides out of her robe and sits in the indicated spot, wrapping her arms around her knees with an arch look. I give her a possessive growl when I see the white beads of my cum decorating her pussy.
“I’ll ask in the morning. Right now, I want to see if I can make you wiggle your fingers again.”