Page 49 of Tabitha

When he just takes a seat directly outside the window, leaving me no choice but look directly at him, I don’t even bother to stifle my groan. Bast tips his head toward me, a small smile playing about his lips, before he heads toward the counter to place his order.

Gage casts me a look of disgust before marching out the door, acting like a toddler who didn’t get his way. River leans back into his seat, wiggling his ass like he’s making himself at home. I just cock an eyebrow, then play dirty. “If you ever want another taste of me, you’ll take your ass out that door.”

His eyes widen a fraction, sulking at my threat, before he slowly rises to his feet. He walks around the table, stopping at my side, not moving until I look up at him.

“You play dirty.” A rakish smile darkens his face, giving him a roguish look. “I like it.”

Before I have a chance to put him in his place, he swoops low, smacks his lips against mine in a quick kiss, then heads out the door with a swagger to his step.

I’m so shocked, he’s gone before I have the good sense to punish him for daring to steal a kiss. What’s worse, the guys are watching me like I’m a fish in a bowl. Every time my attention wanders to them, I can’t help but think about what it would be like to kiss each of them.

Banks returns to our table, a coffee for him and tea for me.

“Thanks.” As he resumes his seat across from me, I take a sip, trying to gather my wandering wits.

He flashes me a rueful smile as he lifts his own cup, peering at me from over the rim. “Consider it a fair trade for getting rid of the riffraff.”

I snort, rolling my eyes. “Don’t thank me. They didn’t go far. My ability to send men running must be failing. I’m going to have to up my game and put the fear of the devil in them.”

Banks chuckles, relaxing back in his seat. “I suspect that it’s an impossible task. Men like us actually enjoy the challenge.”

I scowl at him, which only seems to make his smile widen. “I’m not on the market.”

He only shrugs, absently nudging the handle of his cup. “The thrill of the chase only makes the pursuit more enticing.”

I crinkle my nose and lean back in my seat, crossing my arms. “That just makes your species even more annoying. If I want a man, I’m more than capable of giving chase.”

Banks leans forward, resting his crossed arms on the table. Before he can open his mouth, a woman wearing clothes two sizes too small interrupts.

“Hello, Banks.” She plays with the edges of her necklace, drawing attention to the generous cleavage on display. “I missed you last night.”

She doesn’t even spare me a glance, too busy batting her lashes at Banks. The girl is pretty, obviously not a native, her makeup a little too heavy for this conservative town. She’s small, almost delicate, her blonde hair a riot of curls.

The total opposite of me in every way.

My flirting skills are almost nonexistent. If she’s his ideal woman, then I need to find another way to get his attention. I rise to my feet, unable to keep a laugh from spilling free. When they both turn and glare at me, I raise my hands. “Why don’t I leave you two to discuss things? Fate apparently doesn’t want us to have coffee, and I should get back to packing anyway.”

The girl smiles brightly, not even waiting for me to walk away before she takes my seat, giving me her shoulder like I don’t exist. Banks’ eyes go flat, the darkness in them promising retribution, and I’m not sure if it’s directed at me or the girl.

I suspect that he only invited me for tea to get information, the same reason I accepted the offer. I’m almost to the door when I hear my name. “Tabitha.”

I turn, only to find Banks standing much too close for my liking. He grabs my hand, uncurls my fingers, and places his keys in my palm. “Why don’t you take my car? I’ll find another way home.”

“No, I can—”

“That will give me a reason to stop over later tonight to see you.”

He just turns on his heel and strides away, not giving me a chance to protest. I look down at the keys for a moment, debating if I should just chuck them, but then remember the smooth ride.

Plus, it will give me an opportunity to see him later and dig for more information.

But first, I need to find a way to get my not-so-helpful posse off my ass without resorting to knocking them out and tying them up…although, I must admit, that sounds like fun too.

* * *


“She’s going to run.” I don’t even have to look at Tabitha inside the café to know it. I can feel it in my bones. I’ve been watching her for so long that I know how she’ll react before she does.