“You thought I would be an easy mark.” When he turned and tried to crawl away from me, I rose, then purposely stepped on his hands, twisting the heel of my boot until every bone cracked.
“You were so convinced that I’d be grateful for your affections, you either didn’t believe me when I said no or you didn’t care.” Like a wounded animal, he lashed out blindly, then inched along the ground like the worm he was. He pushed himself up on all fours, and I took great pleasure in kicking him in the ribs, the force of it knocking him onto his side.
I frowned when I heard three separate ribs snap.
Needing to remedy that, I kicked him again, then gave a satisfied nod when two more ribs shattered. His hoarse wail of pain gave me a boost of confidence, and my beast craved more.
I stepped toward him, my smile blooming even wider when he flinched away in raw fear. When I placed my boot on his knee, his whimper made my blood sing. “How many other women have suffered from your affections?”
When he didn’t respond, I nudged his thigh with my boot until his leg was turned sideways. Then I snapped his knee.
Below the sound of his bones cracking, I’d swear I heard his soul shatter. It ignited a warm glow in my chest. I crouched near his head, loving when he flinched at my nearness. Unwilling to let him hide from what he’d done by allowing him to fall unconscious, I slapped his cheek.
Vitriol practically spewed from his eyes, and he was so furious, spittle sprayed when he spoke. “Do what you want to me. Just know that you deserved—”
I didn’t wait for him to finish spreading his hate.
I’d had enough of it to last me a lifetime.
I set my claws against his chest, then thrust my fingers deep. Ignoring the crack of bones, I pushed deeper until my entire hand disappeared inside his torso up to my wrist. I wiggled my fingers around in his insides, growling in frustration when I couldn’t seem to find the organ I wanted.
The interior of his body was almost too warm, the pump of blood like a physical being while I fished around in the open cavity.
Everything was just so hot and squishy!
He writhed beneath me, his voice a hoarse shout as he feebly clawed at me. It was only when my hand settled around his heart that I gave a victory cheer…then pulled it out of his chest.
No one was more shocked than I when his heart actually did beat for a few seconds longer before it gradually came to a halt.
I thought that was a myth!
Then I froze when I glanced up and found a very naked Boone staring intently at me from only a few feet away. My smile wilted, and my sanity slowly returned.
When the jackass threatened my mates, something in me just snapped.
The only thing that mattered was stopping the threat.
I bit my lip when I stared down at the gory mess of a man beneath me.
Maybe I went a little overboard?
Though I was practically painted in his blood, I couldn’t make myself regret eliminating a piece of scum like him from the earth.
Alphas thought the rules didn’t apply to them.
They were wrong.
A quick glance around the clearing showed that the rest of the wolves had either run off or lay dead. I dropped the heart with a splotch, then forced myself to meet Boone’s gaze and shot him a wry smile. “Oops?”
I hadn’t meant to show him my crazy, and acid churned in my stomach as I waited for his reaction. Instead of disgust, Boone tipped back his head and laughed. Despite the fact that I was liberally coated with blood from head to toe, he didn’t hesitate to cross the clearing and take me into his arms. Being crushed against his chest was the best sensation ever, or so I thought until he reverently kissed the top of my head and my insides turned to mush.
He pulled back, his eyes almost worshipful as he gazed down at me. “You are beautiful. The bastard got just what he deserved.”
A warm glow suffused my heart at his complete lack of judgment.
As the adrenaline wore off, the shaking in my limbs gradually subsided, and I realized I was bone tired. I pulled away—or tried to pull away—wincing when I discovered we were actually stuck together, the bloody gore covering us better than any superglue. Ignoring the grisly display of dismembered bodies around us, I tipped back my head and smiled up at him. “Take me home.”
“My pleasure.” He didn’t even hesitate, just scooped me up in his arms.