Page 81 of Stealthy as a Wolf

My heart fluttered at the word, and a blush heated my face. He gave me a cheeky wink, then with one last kiss on my forehead, he slipped out the door before I had a chance to gather my wits.

I snuggled back into my bed with a contented sigh, my body still humming from his magical touch, and I smiled as I dreamed about my mates and our future together.

Chapter Twenty-three


Iwoke up groggy and disoriented, not sure what had disturbed me until I heard the shower turn off. The room was dark, almost cozy. I was tempted to roll over and go back to sleep when I heard the soft rumble of the men talking in the other room.

They were back!

Joy bubbled through me when I realized it wasn’t just a beautiful dream, and I smiled.

I have mates!

While my life might’ve been in more danger than ever, I was now determined to live it to the fullest. I wasn’t quite whole yet, but I was healing. For the first time in a decade, I had hope.

Because of them.

The tantalizing smell of food made my stomach grumble like a hungry bear, and I tossed back the covers…and blushed when I remembered that I was naked as the day I was born. A quick glance around the room revealed my clothes were laid out at the bottom of the bed, neatly folded and clean.

I dressed quickly, then eased open the door to the kitchen, wanting to catch a peek at the guys, but it was like they had radar. As soon as the door creaked open, the men fell silent and turned toward me as one. Grady and Burke cast their assessing gazes over me, while Boone just grinned and Matty sent me a sexy wink.

“You’re awake!” Boone came toward me with a sexy swagger, practically bouncing as he walked. He grabbed my arm and virtually dragged me to the table in his excitement.

My gait was a little unsteady after this afternoon’s exercise, but it was the best kind of ache. The stretch and pull of muscles actually felt good, and I’d almost swear that I could still feel their cocks in my pussy.

And I loved it!

As I neared the table, Matty rose and pulled out my chair, holding it for me. He was freshly showered, his wet hair slicked back, and looking as handsome as ever. He stood tall and proud as I approached, and I gave him a soft smile, taking the seat he offered, then winced and shifted uncomfortably to ease the soreness.

I didn’t look up from my plate, waiting for a snide comment, but the men were total gentlemen as they took their own seats. Grady lingered by the stove for a minute longer before he began to deliver the food. Burke waited a beat, then grunted and poured me a glass of wine.

I could only gape at the table in awe at the massive amount of food they’d prepared, almost expecting it to groan under the weight. “When we bought all the food at the store, I expected it to last a week. Did you cook it all tonight?”

Grady chuckled as he delivered the last dish, setting it in the middle of the table before he flashed me a smile. “Shifting takes a lot of food, especially your first time. For the next couple of weeks, we’ll practice shifting with you until you get comfortable. The more you do it, the easier it will get, but it will be like living with a teenager—you’ll want to eat everything in sight for a while.”

I blushed at the innuendo. I wouldn’t have caught it if it weren’t for the way Boone blatantly adjusted himself under the table. He didn’t make any brash comments or shoot me any lewd looks, he adjusted himself more as an afterthought, which meant the guys hadn’t wanted me to know about my increased cravings.

I almost called them on it, then closed my mouth. The more time a person spent in their animal form, the more they relied on their instincts.

And what was more instinctual than wanting to fuck your mate?

It was something taught to shifters even before they turned. The lesson hadn’t applied to me, so I hadn’t thought about it much.

Until now.

Maybe I should’ve been upset, but I was actually looking forward to spending more time with my mates.

As soon as Grady took his seat across from me, the guys dug into the food, everyone reaching for something at the same time. Much to my shock, they didn’t growl or argue or fight. Instead of piling food on their own plates, they each put something on mine first, until it was loaded down.

It was an old custom for males to prove they could provide for their mate, but I never thought I would ever be on the receiving end of it. My heart swelled as they fussed over me, making sure I had enough of everything, and tears stung my eyes.

I’d never felt so cherished.

It was one thing to call someone your mate, it was something else to prove it through actions.

It was a memory I would treasure, no matter what came, and if I weren’t already completely in love with them, their eagerness to perform this ritual would’ve sealed the deal.