When I looked down, I could do nothing but stare at my hairy legs.
Oh fuck—it worked!
I was a wolf!
Chapter Twenty-two
Igave an excited shout, which turned out to be an excited yip. I whirled toward the guys and nearly stumbled over my own feet in my excitement. Being closer to the ground was disconcerting. Who knew that standing on four legs instead of two would be so different?
The world came alive around me. The slightest brush of air ruffled my fur, like fingertips were ghosting along my skin, and my coat twitched to ease the sensations.
I felt lighter in my wolf form.
The scents around me almost overwhelmed my nose, but it didn’t take long for my brain to process the data. The chirp of a bird caught my attention, and I could do nothing but marvel as my ears swiveled in that direction. I had so much more control over myself in this form that I felt more alive than ever before.
And it was thanks to the guys.
Without them, I would never have been brave enough to try and shift on my own.
I slowly turned toward the men, eyeing their much bigger beasts. Maybe I should’ve been afraid to be standing in front a bunch of predators, but I felt nothing but excitement. They waited patiently, giving me time to adjust to my new reality.
I pranced forward, giving an excited bark, and the guys scrambled toward me as if they’d been waiting to be acknowledged, each of them pausing to touch me in some way. They were careful not to bowl me over with their enthusiasm, gently nudging me to help keep me upright.
Their nearness was utterly electrifying, almost as exhilarating as being a wolf. Being able to shift was like a weight had been lifted from me, and my senses came alive. I waited for my wolf to take over and demand control, and I was shocked when I remained just me.
The only difference was I didn’t have as many inhibitions.
My worries fell away, replaced by pure joy.
I was free!
I pranced around the men, not caring that I wasn’t the most graceful when I tripped over my feet. Boone chuffed, playfully brushing against me to keep me steady, his tail dancing over me like he couldn’t be near and not touch. Burke was more reserved, using his big paw to try and pin me down and lick me to death. Grady was the sweetest, bowing and mock growling, his tail wagging as he invited me to play.
A thrill surged through me at the connection I felt with my men.
And they weremymen.
When I noticed Matty watching and smiling in the background, still in his human form, I barked at the others and they immediately backed off, their playfulness fading. I trotted toward Matty, taking it slow until I got all my feet to work together.
I came to a stop in front of him, then reared back on my hind legs and placed my paws on his shoulders. He grunted under my weight, a genuine chuckle bursting from him, and I couldn’t resist the urge to swipe my tongue across his face, delivering a big lick from ear to ear.
He sputtered, twisting and ducking his head, then gently pushed me down. “Fine, I get it. I’ll shift.”
Gold crackled and fizzled around him like a flickering lightbulb. A fissure of worry twisted through me, and my gut clenched at the pain he must be enduring. Unadulterated rage for what they did to Matty in prison threatened to destroy my sanity. Before I could react, the glow surged bright, nearly blinding me.
I blinked, my anger forgotten when I found myself looking down at a large, fluffy orange and white marmalade cat.
And damn if he wasn’t the cutest thing ever!
I couldn’t resist licking him one more time, then snorted when his hair stuck up at all angles. The cat shot me an exasperated look, one any cat owner would recognize, then proceeded to lick his paw and clean his fur.
His indifference seemed to be the signal for the others to play, and I was instantly tackled. For the next hour, the guys nipped and chased me around the clearing. It didn’t take long for me to become accustomed to being in my wolf form, able to hold my own against the boys. Despite being smaller, I was more nimble than the others and could easily stay out of their reach. The only one who matched me step for step in terms of speed was Matty, his cat form just a streak.