Chapter Fifteen
At the threat of violence, I froze. I waited for panic to seize my lungs, adrenaline to flood my system, and my heart to pound against my ribs in the demand to be released.
I waited for my instincts—and my wolf—to take control and rip out Grady’s throat.
I’d nearly done that once, the first time I escaped. I was a wild thing, seeing danger around every corner, and it took years before I learned not to overreact and jump at every little threat.
But none of that happened.
Totally the opposite, in fact.
There was no disguising the way my body warmed at the thought of Grady’s hands on me. I squirmed on his lap, his obvious arousal pressing against me, and heat flooded my core. Maybe I should be embarrassed about getting wet for him in a crowd of people, but I didn’t care, I just wanted more.
Almost as one, the guys turned and focused their attention on me. Their glares melted away, replaced with speculation and enough heat to make my stomach flutter. Burke inhaled deeply, his nostrils flaring, not even bothering to disguise the fact that he could smell my arousal.
Heat burned my cheeks, and I became very much aware that the rest of the guys were leaning in closer, greedily inhaling my scent too. Grady’s expression was smug, while Matty and Boone looked hungry enough to eat me up.
And damn if my vagina didn’t clench at the thought of them touching me, arousal making my whole body flush. My nipples tightened and my breasts ached, and I longed for their attention.
“Maggie,” Grady practically purred my name. “Look at me.”
I automatically obeyed, and it had nothing to do with him being an alpha and everything to do with him being a big, sexy man. I remained mute, unsure I was even able to formulate words. It was only when his hands clamped down on my hips that I became aware I was actually rubbing up against him like a cat in heat.
It felt so good that I didn’t even care that the others were watching.
When he stilled my movements, I jerked my head up and glared at the big lug.
Before I had a chance to even form a thought, he gave me a short, hard kiss, then pulled away much sooner than I was ready. “As much as I would love to continue, we have an audience.”
Something about the tone of his voice sent awareness of my surroundings flooding back to me. I stiffened, knowing he wouldn’t care if it were just the guys watching.
No, he meant strangers.
A chill skated down my spine, my lust turning cold. I stiffened, and a growl rumbled in my chest at the thought of anyone but one of my men watching such an intimate moment. I turned, my eyes locking on a tall woman standing just five feet away from the table, and I flashed my fangs, daring her to approach.
The guys didn’t glance away from me, as if I were the only thing that mattered.
It was enough to calm my rage, and I blew out a heavy breath, wilting a little bit at my blown out of proportion reaction. Maybe it had to do with the fact that none of the numb nuts bothered to tell me what the hell they had planned.
I swung myself off Grady’s lap, avoiding everyone’s gaze while I resumed my own seat. I folded my arms on the table, then glanced at the others, wondering what new mess they’d got us tangled in now. “Would anyone like to share the plan with me?”
* * *
It only took one glance at Maggie’s calm expression to know that she was seriously pissed.
Not that she didn’t have a right to feel that way.
She’d been sleeping so peacefully when we discussed our plans that no one had the heart to wake her.
Being out of prison was freeing, leaving me feeling almost weightless…and it was scary as fucking hell. I spent most of my life in solitary confinement, and I wasn’t used to being around people, much less a crowd. Even the slightest accidental touch from a stranger made my skin crawl.