Wolves were the ultimate pack creatures. Alphas led their packs much like their own personal gangs, whole packs running banks, corporations, even entire towns. They were smart and vicious and dangerous to those they deemed a threat. I could understand their need to claim Maggie for their own. So why would they tear into her so brutally instead of wooing her as she deserved?
It meant they were desperate, and desperate men were dangerous.
Though I might’ve been an asshole, I couldn’t live with myself if they snuffed out the beautiful soul that was Maggie. They would tame her fiery nature in a way that would leave her a broken shell.
If I needed to claim her to keep her safe, so be it.
I would do it for my brother, and maybe, over time, if I was quiet, if I was the perfect mate, I could convince her I was good enough to be her mate for real.
Chapter Fourteen
The sound of the engine dying woke me from the first sound sleep I’d had in ages. I jerked upright in my seat, glancing around me, confusion mixing with my anxiety until it was a toxic mess. Only when I saw the others in the vehicle with me did I release a tiny breath and wilt back against the seat.
They didn’t abandon me.
It hadn’t been a dream.
“You okay?” Matty asked, his low voice feeling like a caress. It was like magic, erasing the anxiety building in my chest.
I was seated in the back of the truck between Boone and Matty. Boone was on my left, snuggled up against me like I was his favorite pillow, while Matty was on my right, allowing me to use his shoulder as a headrest.
I frowned when I noticed a bruise darkening his jaw, and a twinge of worry shot through me as I nodded toward the injury. “Maybe I should be the one asking you that.”
I quickly glanced at the others, more than a little bit afraid that we’d come under some sort of attack while I was asleep. When everyone else appeared unharmed, I quickly glanced back at Matty, wondering if I could force the truth out of him. “Well?”
“Yeah, about that.” A grimace twisted his expression, and he ran a hand down his face, completely avoiding my eyes. “We came up with a plan, but not everyone agreed with it.”
Before I could get upset about them making decisions without me, I caught a glimpse of the building outside the window.
Though it was late afternoon, the parking lot was filled nearly to capacity. The guys must have driven most of the day. Flashing neon lights created what looked like…I squinted my eyes. “Is that a huge, dancing rooster?”
“Cock,” Matty muttered.
Grady turned with a grunt, the glare he directed at Matty speaking volumes. To my surprise, the house cat basically fluffed up, refusing to back down. “If you have a better idea, I’m listening.”
The wolf narrowed his eyes, his mouth tightening.
Before a fight could break out, Burke interrupted them. “You two go talk to your contact, Boone and I will stay with Maggie.”
“No way!” Dread filled me, and I battled the irrational fear that if we were separated, something terrible would happen. I sat forward, determined to make the guys listen to me. “We should all stick together.”
Boone gave a sleepy grumble of protest, pulling me onto his lap and wrapping me up in his arms like a giant, cuddly bear. “Stay with me. We can get some more sleep. Maybe I can spend some more time convincing you that we belong together.”
I shoved my elbow in his gut, not willing to be charmed by the rascal, even with the promise of more orgasms.
It was official—I must’ve truly been crazy if I was turning down orgasms.
Delicious, earth-shattering orgasms.
I hesitated for a moment, shivering as I imagined the pleasure they could give me, then glared at the guys, annoyed with them for denying me my orgasms. “No, we need to stick together. If you go, then so do I.”
Despite all my squirming, Boone refused to release his hold. Being confined in any way, even something as small as a hand on my wrist, usually triggered me hard. I braced myself, waiting for my wolf to freak out.
Yet nothing happened. My wolf was docile as a puppy waiting for attention. It was like she decided if I couldn’t have orgasms, being in Boone’s arms was the next best thing.