Page 49 of Stealthy as a Wolf

“This isn’t a good idea, Maggie.” Grady kept his gaze steady, not flinching away from the intensity of my golden eyes like most everyone else. “This isn’t the type of place for a girl like you.”

My lips twitched, and I tried not to smile. “You can’t say the name, can you?”

Even though his eyes were steady, I’d have sworn to the gods that he was rolling his eyes at me. Then he flashed me a devilish grin. “You think I’m afraid to say cock? I have one. I touch it all the time. Why would you think I wouldn’t be able to say it?”

I smirked back at him, completely charmed by his playfulness. “But you still didn’t say the name, did you?”

He sighed so heavily that his whole chest heaved, then muttered, “It’s a stupid name.”

“It’s really atrocious.” I beamed up at him, more than tickled at the prospective adventure. “And I love it. Let’s go!”

I wasn’t even aware of bouncing up and down in excitement until Boone slipped a hand around my waist to still my wiggling. “Honey, if you keep doing that, everyone is going to get more of a show.”

That’s when I felt his cock pressed up against my backside. While I might not have had sex, that didn’t mean I was completely innocent. Though the wolves didn’t rape me, they’d taken great pleasure in torturing me day after day, stealing touches and kisses that weren’t theirs to take.

In the past, even the slightest hint of flirting would trigger me and send me running.

It was different with my guys.

Their touch was different.

They cared about what I wanted. Deep in my bones, I knew they would never harm me. If I told them “no” or “stop,” they wouldn’t hesitate to step back.

It made me adore them even more.

If I wasn’t careful, I would find myself totally falling for them.

All of them.

Heat crawled up my face, and I wanted to smack myself for being stupid enough to even put that thought in my head. Suddenly desperate to get out of the vehicle and their much too penetrating gazes, I shot the guys a bright smile. “We should probably go, then.”

The guys glanced at each other, almost like they were waiting for one of them to grow a pair and object. Much to my amusement—and a lot of glares and side-glances among the men—the guys sullenly opened the doors.

With a wide grin, I reached for the door handle, only for Boone to cover the latch with his big mitt. He leaned forward, his breath caressing my ear, and I scrunched my shoulders up to stave off a shiver.

Who the fuck knew ears were so magical that the slightest touch could turn off my thoughts and heat my body? The sensations were so foreign and delicious that it took me a moment to shake them off and register that he was actually speaking.

“Are you sure I can’t convince you to stay?” Boone’s husky voice might as well have reached out and tweaked my nipples, it was so powerful.

I squirmed in his lap, stilling when I felt his erection against my ass, trapped between wanting more and springing away from him. My stomach swirled, caught between lust, longing, and uncertainty. My mouth went dry when he patiently ran a hand along the outside of my thigh, and I swallowed hard.

So I told him the truth. “No, I’m not sure, but people are after us. If we want to get out of this alive, we need to stick together.”

I waited for him to blow up, take what he wanted, but he only nodded and opened the door. Instead of letting me get out first, he swept me up in his arms and jumped out of the truck with me firmly in his grip. He grinned, then bent and kissed the tip of my nose. “Together. I like that.”

Joy pierced my heart like a ray of sunshine, and I pressed my palm against his chest. “Rain check?”

He stilled so dramatically that I wasn’t sure he was even breathing, then he gave me the most heart-stopping, earnest smile and tightened his arms possessively around me. “Most definitely.”

A rumble started up in his chest, sounding as loud as a race car engine revving, and the most gorgeous blush filled his cheeks at the noise. When the other guys chuckled at his expense, he just smiled.

He lowered me to the ground slowly, like I was something precious. He was a total gentleman, keeping his touch impersonal, even after my feet touched the ground, fussing with my clothes like he wasn’t ready to let me go.

The men fell into step around us, giving us a private moment as we headed toward the nondescript, somewhat worn down strip joint. Ten feet from the building, the pounding pulse of music thundered in the air. The heavy bass should have been intimidating, but I found myself enjoying the wild beat.

We passed a line of bright, rainbow-colored Vespas sparkling like glitter in the setting sun. Helmets dangled off the handlebars, the surfaces plastered with an assortment of cocks—er, roosters posed in lewd positions.

I couldn’t help grinning, even as the guys nudged me forward.