Page 106 of Stealthy as a Wolf

All amusement fled as I gazed down at her, sorrow piercing my heart over everything we’d lost. “The authorities said you were dead, but I refused to believe it. If anyone could find a way to survive, it would be you. I tried to search for you, but—”

“Things went to shit and you were arrested,” she murmured, a single eyebrow cocked as she gave me an exasperated, amused look. “I didn’t even find out aboutthatuntil a few weeks ago. I’m impressed at the amount of chaos you created while you were looking for me, little puss.”

“Heard about that, huh?” I gave her a sheepish grin and rubbed the back of my neck. “But how are you alive? How are you here? What happened? When you disappeared—”

“While you might be my brother, little puss, I can assure you I’m a big cat. I was able to take care of myself all by my lonesome.” Her condescending tone turned serious, and her expression softened. “But I appreciate that you tried. Despite how much I annoyed you when I practiced my torture techniques on you, I knew you loved me. I know everything that you went through was because of me, but now you’re free of those responsibilities.”

She touched my face lightly, her claws a slight warning against my cheek. One never knew whether she would be affectionate or a bitch, and the pang in my chest eased at her nearness. “I have my own mates. I’m happy. Go live your life. You deserve your own happiness.”

My attention slipped toward the four men she called her mates, and I growled. It was a glint in their eyes that gave them away—they were just as psycho as my little sister. The only thing that kept me from dragging Tessah behind me was they obviously adored her.

And to my shock, my sister seemed to be just as besotted.

“So this is your mate?” Tessah asked, sounding almost skeptical when she turned to look at Maggie. There was an almost maniacal glimmer in her sharp eyes as she measured and judged my mate.

I stiffened, immediately wrapping my arm around Maggie and tucking her against my side. No fucking way was my sister getting her hands on my delicate little mate. “Listen, Tessah—”

Maggie shoved at my chest, slipping free of my hold before I could grab her and warn her of the dangers. “Hush, Matty, we’ll be okay. This is woman stuff.”

Tessah cocked her head to the side, amusement quirking her lips, and she flicked her fingers at me in a shooing motion, not once looking away from Maggie. “Go, little puss. We’ll be fine.”

Neither woman looked at me, and I couldn’t banish the dread gathering in my gut.

Worse, Tessah’s mates stiffened as well, watching both women just as warily.

“You’re his mate?” Skepticism coated the question, then Tessah’s green eyes rounded in recognition, and she practically bounced on the balls of her feet in excitement. “Wait? You’re the female alpha who’s been traveling the country alone helping shifters, aren’t you?”

“What?” Maggie sputtered and shook her head. “No. I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“So you didn’t help people?” Tessah asked in confusion, a furrow appearing between her brows. It was a signal that she used as a child that often meant she was playing with her prey. She fingered a knife that had somehow appeared between her fingers, twirling it almost lazily.

I gnawed nervously at my lip, inching closer to my mate in case I needed to pull her out of reach. I noticed Tessah’s mate, the preppy douche with hazel eyes, had the same idea.

It was going to take a miracle to avoid any bloodshed.

Maggie wasn’t the least bit intimidated, even rolling her eyes at my sister. “Well, yes, of course, but I didn’t do anything special.”

A triumphant grin split Tessah’s face. “For years, there was a rumor of a lone alpha female wolf going from town to town, righting wrongs. You helped people face their fears. Showed them they were just as good as any alpha, showed them they were worth something. And when that didn’t help, you hunted down the people causing the trouble and put an end to the problems.”

“Only minor skirmishes.” Maggie shrugged modestly, but she stood a little taller.

Tessah pursed her lips, a spark of challenge entering her eyes. “The gossip said you were on the run from an alpha-hole who wouldn’t leave you alone. Honestly, running sounded like a lot of work.” She wrinkled her nose in distaste, then looked down at her nails like she was bored. “I would’ve just killed the fucker. I prefer my methods a little more stabby-wabby. Or stabby-tabby… Get it? Because Matty is a pussy? Ha! But anyway, you should’ve stabbed first and asked questions later, even if the stabbing had to be done with a spoon. Spooning is a good way to kill someone.”

I frowned at Tessah, not liking the way she was going after my mate. I opened my mouth to put a stop to the inquisition, but I didn’t get a chance before Maggie answered, “I didn’t fit in anywhere, so I was fine just traveling. That changed when the asshole threatened my mates and refused to take no for an answer. He signed his own death warrant.”

“Oooo, little wolf, I think I’m going to like you!” Tessah slipped her arms around Maggie’s shoulders and squeezed tight. “We’re going to get along just fine. In fact, there’s an alpha near Oregon who’s too big for his britches who believes any woman that catches his eye is his own personal property. We should go visit. Maybe teach him a lesson. If we have to torture him just a little to get our point across” —Tessah held her thumb and forefinger slightly apart, a vicious grin showing her too-sharp teeth— “I guess we’ll figure something out. Though I call dibs on castration! I have a sparkly candy cane knife just waiting to be sharpened.”

I cast a panicked glance at my new pack, signaling that this was a horrible idea. Thankfully, they didn’t look any too pleased at the prospect of heading off into battle just when we finally got our mate back.

When I glanced at Tessah’s mates, they didn’t appear to be any more pleased, and I nearly sagged in relief. Between the eight of us, we should be able to distract the girls.

Then Maggie grinned, and my heart sank.

We’re doomed.

“That sounds like fun!” Maggie practically skipped in excitement. “I know some great torture techniques that will make him wish he were dead.”

Tessah threw back her head and roared with laughter. “Brother, I approve of your mate.”