Page 53 of Cream Pie

Marshall sighs.

“Fuck it,” he grunts turns to me. “My threat still stands.”

“I know.”

“But… look, this is gonna be weird for me, but I trust you with her. Shit I can’t actually think of a man I’d trust to look after her more.”

“Thanks, man,” I growl quietly.

“Don’t you dare hurt her. I’m not fucking around with that.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.”

He holds his hand out, and I take it, shaking it firmly as we lock eyes. He turns to smile at his daughter, and he takes his hand away from me to give her a hug.

“When the hell did you grow up?”

She grins, hugging him back. “Thank you,” she whispers.

“He ever hurts—”

“Dad,” she groans. “We get it. Move on.”

He chuckles, pulling back and turning to his wife as she smiles.

“So, can we go on our honeymoon now?”

Marshall chuckles. “Yeah, baby,” he grins, leaning down to kiss her. He goes over to Amy again, giving her another big hug before he turns to me. We shake hands again, but this time, I pull him in for a big man-hug.

“I love you, man,” I mutter. “I mean it.”

“Yeah yeah yeah,” he groans, pulling away and grinning at me. “Let’s put the brakes on this love fest for now, alright?”

I chuckle. “We doing breakfast tomorrow still?”

“Um, yeah,” both Amy and Kendall say at the same time, making me grin.

“Alright, we’ll save the goodbyes until tomorrow then.”

Amy and I both walk them out, and then I’m all over her, pulling her into me as I settle onto one of the bar stools at my kitchen counter. Amy grins, kissing me softly as she settles onto me.

“So, I heard a rumor,” she purrs quietly.


“Yeah,” she blushes.

“Which was?”

“That you love me. Or, are in love with me.”

I frown, shaking my head. “So weird, all these rumors floating around. It’s bizarre, really.”

She grins widely, so do I, and we hold that for one second before we go crashing into one another. I kiss her madly, wrapping my arms tight around her like I never, ever want to let her go.

“I fucking love you, Amy,” I growl fiercely. “I love you like I’ve never loved anything.”

“I fucking love you, too, you know,” she moans back.

I sink back into her, tasting her lips and holding her tight, and just losing myself in her until I don’t even know how long it’s been. But slowly, I pull away, and her sharp blue eyes flicker with heat as they hold mine.

“Now, if I’m remembering correctly, wasn’t there talk of you being naked and on all fours on my bed?”

Her perfect, pouty lips pull into a grin, and suddenly, she’s jumping off my lap and giggling as she turns to run for my room, with my chasing.

Spoiler alert: I catch her.

Second spoiler alert: I keep her.
