The water was cold against the heat of the evening. It was refreshing but a bit of a shock to my system. Rage didn’t appear affected in the least. In fact, his cock was still hard as ever and pulsed where it pressed against my bottom as he carried me deeper into the water.

“I didn’t know creeks got this deep.” I splashed the water playfully even as I wound my other arm around his neck.

“Not all do, but this is a favorite swimmin’ hole. When we bought the land and built this place, we cleaned up any debris that had settled over the decades. Now it’s fenced in with the rest of the property. The prospects come out here a couple times a month during the summer and pick up anything that makes its way down stream. It’ll be a great place for the children to play when they get older.”

“I can imagine this being everyone’s favorite spot.” The water was ice cold. My skin tingled where it cooled rapidly. It was heaven. Perfect. This whole day had been perfect.

“We’ll add to it as needed, but we’d all like to keep it as rustic as possible. It’s too pretty to develop much.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” I leaned in and kissed him softly. “Thank you for bringing me here, Rage. Even if we visit it every day for the rest of our lives, I’ll always remember this first time.”

He smiled down at me. “You’re more than welcome, baby.” Rage deepened the kiss, and I knew he was starting us up again. I was helpless to do anything but follow. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Chapter Seven


“You got company at the gate, Rage,” Deacon told me. One of our prospects, he was the man in charge of the entrance to the compound grounds today. “I got a sinking feeling I knew what was coming. “Claims to be your brother.”

That familiar anger I thought I’d mastered over the last week and a half hit me like a sucker punch to the fucking balls. I knew they’d been looking for him, but Sting had kept me in the dark about everything. It was how the club worked. If you weren’t part of a particular operation, you were kept in the dark. I’d’ve expected a heads-up if they’d invited Dustin into the compound, though.

“Ain’t expectin’ him. Tell Sting.”

“Man seems concerned about his girlfriend and their daughter.”

“Yeah, I bet he is,” I muttered. “Tell Sting. Do not let him through the gate without his approval.” I didn’t need to tell Deacon that. Letting people inside the compound without an escort and permission from the president was an expulsion offense. Expulsion meant death. But there was no way I was taking a chance with Pepper or Cassandra.

“Yes, sir.” I could almost see the eye roll from here, but let it go. Deacon knew what I was doing. Everyone at the compound was protective of the old ladies and even doubly so over Cassie. Rose too, because she was pregnant.

I glanced over at Pepper. She dozed in the sun, looking as peaceful as a woman could. ‘Course, it could have been that the four orgasms I’d given her earlier had something to do with it.

Since the first evening we’d come to the recreation area by the swimming hole, Pepper had asked to go there several times. We’d brought Cassie a time or two and let the girl splash in the cold water, to everyone’s delight. Sometimes my brothers brought their women and accompanied us. Others -- like today -- we came alone.

She was thriving here with us, in the safety Iron Tzars provided. The strain present when she’d first come to me had eased. She smiled often and slept like the dead in my arms every night. I had to wonder how she’d managed before with no help and a child who was only a few months old, constantly worrying about what would happen when Dustin turned back up. She still worried. Still asked about the progress with finding him nearly every day. But it had become almost an afterthought. Like it was something she felt she should ask, not something she was overly concerned about.

It was that reason alone I didn’t wake her now. I wanted something concrete before I brought this to her. I had no idea what was going to happen next, but I knew the time was close when she’d have to confront him, though I planned to keep it from happening if possible.

After setting my phone aside, I lowered myself to the inflatable bed. When I’d set it up earlier, she’d made a nest of sheets and a fluffy comforter I’d brought at Iris’s suggestion. That way she’d be comfortable while she lazed in the sun.

I pulled her against my naked chest. The soft, breathable cotton underneath her cooled in the light summer breeze. I thought about how perfect this time with her had been. It had taken surprisingly little time for us to fall into a routine together. From the time I’d observed her with my brother, she seemed more at ease with me now than she ever had with him. The very last thing I wanted to do was to take away the peace she’d found here.