Her body shook, her muscles straining against her bonds. Damp strands of her hair stuck to her face. I looked up at her from between her legs, and she looked like a sex goddess. Well, if that were true, I was her adoring fucking acolyte.
I backed off each time I felt her pushing to the point of no return. If she was trying to hold off, I wanted her to. It would make the surrender that much sweeter for both of us.
When she was sobbing uncontrollably, I smacked her pussy three more times in quick, sharp succession. “That’s it. Want you mindless with needin’ me.”
She cried out, with each strike. Her eyes were rolling in her head like a wild animal caught in a trap, and I wasn’t certain she knew where she was or even what I was doing to her. She was lost in the moment, letting go of all the negative emotion inside her that had been dumped on her the hour before.
The last slap to her pussy was almost more than she could take and not come. Her eyes got wide, and she shook her head side to side over and over. “No!”
I crawled up her body and sank my cock into her hot, juicy cunt. She pulsed around me, and I thought she might be coming, but the way she gritted her teeth and continued to chant, “No. Not yet. Not yet!” let me know she was still fighting it.
Giving her a few seconds, trying to make sure I was reading her right and that she wasn’t in real pain, I held myself still. My thighs were spread on either side of her ass, my hands gripping her thighs where I knelt in front of her.
“You ready, Pepper? Ready to come on my cock and take my cum into your pussy again?”
Again, her eyes flashed open. Instead of speaking, though, she nodded vigorously. Her pussy gripped my shaft, trying to milk me of everything I had.
“Good. Do it! Do it now, Pepper!”
Pepper gave an earsplitting scream as her pussy pulsed and squeezed my dick like a fucking vise.
“Bloody hell!” I lowered myself over her, bracing my weight on my arms while I slammed into her over and over in a brutal fucking. There was no way I wasn’t coming. Not if my life depended on it. The grip of her pussy, the sounds of desperate pleasure she made, the sweet scent of her sweat… all of it conspired against me until with one last, violent thrust, I bellowed my release.
I held myself as deep as I could go, biting down on Pepper’s neck gently to keep her riding out her orgasm as long as I could. She needed this as long as she could hold it. I didn’t move until she finally settled beneath me, then I raised my head to kiss her cheek, then her lips. I took her gently, bringing her down as softly as I could.
“Tell me you’re good, baby. That I wasn’t too rough with you.”
“I’m better than good,” she purred. “I’m wonderful.”
I kissed her once more before moving to get the keys I’d tossed to the nightstand so I could release her. In short order, I had her free and carried her to the bathroom. Cleaning her up was a pleasure, and I kissed her pussy as I did, praising her the only way I could because words weren’t enough.
“I love you, Rage.” Her voice was soft and drowsy, and I smiled. I loved that sound.
“I love you too, baby.”
“You think the women would mind if we took a short nap before picking up Cassie?” Her eyelids were drooping as the endorphins fled. Sated and sleepy was a wonderful look on her.
“No. I don’t think they’d mind at all.”
She didn’t ask once about Dustin, and I considered that a good sign. She’d question me about it later, and I’d give it to her straight. No way Sting let my brother live. Not after what he’d done to one of our own. I doubt she’d shed a tear. I know I certainly wouldn’t.
I carried Pepper back to the bed and scooted in beside her. She curled up with her head on my chest and promptly passed out. I lay there for a long while, sifting my hands through her silky hair.
It wasn’t long before my phone buzzed with a text message. Picking it up, I glanced at the screen.
Sting: It’s done.
So. Dustin was dead. I was almost ashamed of the way the last bit of tension left my chest. The man I’d considered family, my little brother, was gone. Though, I admitted he hadn’t been that kid for a long while. I wonder if Deb would mourn him? I suspected he’d put her through the wringer, too, these last few years. I’d be the one to tell her. I’d give whatever version of the story Sting put out there. Whatever accident narrative he pushed.