Wylde shrugged. “That’s what I thought too, but according to text messages between Dustin and Big Hands La Sal, La Sal thought it would be less likely to cause suspicion if Dustin did things his way. La Sal had a vial made up with a label to look like your mother’s insulin so she didn’t question it. Same colors and stuff on the label. Dustin was to swap it out in the fridge where she kept it.”

Pepper was silent for a long while. The drone of conversation between Sting and Wylde continued, but my focus was on Pepper. The strangest transformation I’d ever seen was taking place on her lovely face. Her breath quickened and her expression darkened.

“He killed my mother.”

“From the text messages I got from his phone, yeah, honey. Looks like La Sal set it up, and he executed it.” It was obvious Wylde wasn’t comfortable with the conversation, but he’d started it so he continued.

“Why.” It was a demand. Not a question. And it was directed at Dustin. Pepper moved around me, brushing off my attempts to keep her between me and Dustin, but she didn’t really seem aware of me next to her. “I want to know what you gained from taking my mother away from me and my dad.”

Dustin looked as wary as I felt. Like he didn’t think she’d do anything rash but wasn’t willing to bet his life on it. “The money. There was a chance you’d get life insurance money from her.”

“It all went to pay her funeral expenses. Anything left went to my dad.”

“Yeah. Found that out afterward.” He sounded disgruntled, but he didn’t take his eyes off Pepper. Little fucker was smarter than he looked. Pepper had always been the gentle sort. Backing down instead of fighting. I wasn’t so sure she was ready to back down now.

“So? What was your plan next? Wait a suitable amount of time? Kill my father too?”

Dustin shrugged. “Hadn’t planned that far ahead.” Yeah. Right. I could tell just looking at that little fucker that was exactly what he’d planned.

“Where did it stop, Dustin? Would you have killed me too?”

“You know I’d never hurt you.”

“No. I don’t,” she snapped. “You threatened to cut out little Cassie’s heart in front of me! That doesn’t sound like you wouldn’t kill me if you thought it would get you some money.” There was silence for a long time while the two of them stared at each other. Dustin was starting to realize he was in a world of trouble.

Dustin didn’t deny what she said was true. Even still, Wylde, the bastard, brought up a recording on his laptop and punched a few buttons. “Got this from the security system in the house. Just so happened it has decent quality audio, and she was standing next to the receiver. Had to amplify the sound, but he was screaming at her so the mic picked it up. I didn’t include her voice in the recording, because that woulda took too much time and I put it together right before I got here.” He glanced at Pepper. “You might want to cover your ears for this. I’m sure it’s not easy to hear.”

My little Pepper lifted her chin, never taking her gaze from Dustin. “Just do it.”

The voice Wylde had caught was unmistakably Dustin’s. It was exactly as Pepper had described it to me. Word for word. Only the evil on the other end was far more sinister when I heard his actual voice.

At the end of the recording, Pepper lost her mind. I mean, I didn’t blame her, but I was so shocked, I nearly missed her snagging the knife at my side before it was too late.

“You fucking bastard!” Pepper flew at Dustin. His eyes got wide, and he tried to raise a hand to defend himself, but he was tied down. I grabbed Pepper around the waist just as she reached Dustin. She struck out with the blade, making a vicious swipe. I was pretty sure she was going for his throat, but missed and got his cheek, laying it open to the bone.

“You bitch!” Dustin’s cry was a high-pitched scream. He was as shocked as I was. Of all things, I never expected Pepper to actually react physically. Not like this.

“Come with me, baby,” I said at her ear. I had one arm wrapped around her waist while I caught the hand with the knife and held it out for Sting to disarm her. “Let’s take a breather.”

“NO! I want to gut this bastard!”

“Don’t worry. He’ll get his. His cohorts are being dealt with, but they left him to us. We take care of our own.”

“I don’t want him taken care of, Rage! I want him fucking dead!”

“Trust me, honey. Sting has this covered. Let’s go.” I had to get her out of there. I knew her well enough to know she was masking her fear and grief in anger. While I could gladly do what she said and let her gut Dustin, she’d regret it later if she did. Despite what it looked like, this wasn’t my Pepper.