“We’re doing that today?” Did she look excited? I hoped so. I could never admit it, but I was nervous as hell and excited as shit.

“Yeah, baby. It’ll take a few hours, so Cassie’ll stay with Atlas and Rose.”

“Awesome!” She wrapped her arms around my waist and put her chin on my chest. “Can we do something special afterward? You know, to celebrate.”

“You name it, sweetheart. We need to stay inside the compound, but the thing is over three thousand acres and completely fenced in. I know a great little place by the creek for a picnic. If you think you’d like that.”

“Absolutely! Maybe we could wade in the water?”

“I can do you one better than that, honey. There’s a really good swimming hole next to the shelter we built out there. Complete with easy access in and out of the water.”

She squealed and leaned up to kiss my lips. “Let’s go get this done! I want your tattoo to match mine. It’ll be flowers and dainty and totally feminine, and you’re gonna love it!”

“I’ve created a monster.” I couldn’t help but grin at her enthusiasm. It warmed my heart that she’d taken everything I’d told her about Iron Tzars in stride. She’d thrown herself all in with me, and I couldn’t be prouder. Or more relieved. Pepper had been right when she’d said I’d been a bastard. Thing was, now that I’d had a taste of her, I never wanted to be without her again. How the fuck I had pushed her away, stayed away from her this whole time was something I’d never be able to figure out. God knew I’d never be able to do it again.

“We’re being overrun.” Atlas deadpanned, even as he pulled his woman into a loving embrace. “The women will outnumber us soon. I’m gonna talk to Sting about this.” He looked down at Rose with a scowl. “Starting with a new rule where the women are not allowed to have girl children. Judging by the way everyone’s acting with your daughter, we’d never survive it if they birthed more.” With that, Atlas scooped up his woman and stalked inside, leaving her delighted shrieks in their wake.

Later that morning, I took her to Ace’s shop. My brother had everything ready for her and several elegant designs for her to choose from.

“I think I like the ivy with the pink monarch butterfly.”

“Good. I’ll weave it around the property declaration and the script. Inner wrist?” Ace smiled warmly at her, as if he thoroughly approved of her choice.

“Yes, please. It’s so beautiful.” Pepper practically vibrated with excitement.

“You’re really looking forward to this, aren’t you?” Ace grinned at her and I brushed a kiss on top of her head before sitting in a chair beside her to hold her other hand.

“I am. Not only have I always wanted a tattoo, but my first one declaring I belong to Rage is perfect.” She looked up at me shyly, and my heart melted. The constant, gnawing anger that seemed to be simmering just beneath the surface of my emotions had slowly disappeared over this last week with Pepper. Now, if I felt like things were sliding back to that hot-tempered person I normally was, I simply looked at Pepper or Cassie and my heart felt full. My girls.

There was no way I couldn’t kiss her. Leaning in, I pressed my lips to hers in a gentle kiss. I licked the seam of her lips, asking permission to taste her. As always, Pepper opened eagerly and kissed me back. My hand cupped the side of her face before sliding into her hair and angling her head where I wanted, and I grunted my approval.

“Delicious,” I growled deep in my chest. “Could taste you all fuckin’ day.”

Ace cleared his throat. “I mean, I can come back later if you want.”

I looked up at the damned man with his shit-eating grin and flipped him off. “Fuck off, Ace. Just do the damned ink.”

“Be thinkin’ about what you want.”

“I think her name with that same ivy twined through it would be sufficient. You know. If you can do it small enough for my finger.”

Ace stopped what he was doing and narrowed his eyes at me. “Pink butterfly and all, brother. I can absolutely do it.”

I chuckled. “You know, that doesn’t have the same outrage it might have a week ago.” I smiled at Pepper. “If Pepper wants me to wear pink for her, I’ll do it.”

“Aww.” She sighed. “My very own big, bad biker. Willing to wear pink ink. For me?”

“Anything you want, baby. Just as long as everyone knows you’re mine and I’m yours. That’s the only thing in this world that matters to me. You and Cassie.” That must have been the exact right thing to say, because Pepper’s lips parted, and the look on her face was positively heated. “Hmm. If that look on your face is any indication, I’m gonna get laid this afternoon.”