
“There’s nothin’ I’m lettin’ you hide from me, baby. Not your body. Not your heart. You’re gonna give it all to me willingly. Then I’m gonna take care of you.”

“You need to know. I never loved Dustin.” She placed a hand on the side of my face, stroking my beard like she might a cat. “Not really. I tried to convince myself I did, because I didn’t know any better. I even let him take my virginity even though I hadn’t planned on it. I never really intended to go all the way with him, because I knew he wasn’t a forever kind of guy.”

“I get you. And I’ll tell you right now from the very start, Pepper. I was never a forever kind of guy either. But now that I finally have you in my bed, that’s where I’m keeping you. We’ll both be faithful, and we’ll have a helluva good fuckin’ time doin’ it.”

I pulled her bra away from her chest, freeing her plump breasts, and my breath caught. “So fuckin’ beautiful…” I leaned down to capture one nipple in my mouth. Her skin smelled like honeysuckle and tasted like sin. “I’m gonna fuck you, Pepper. You ain’t good with it, say so now. Once I take you, that’s it. No takin’ it back.”

“Virgil --”

“Rage, baby. Virgil was civilized. Rage ain’t. That’s who I am. Accept me.”

“I-I do, but --”

“But what? You want this. I know you do.” I hooked my fingers in the elastic of her panties and pulled them down her hips and over her thighs. Her pussy was bare, only a slight stubble over her mound, and I was going to lick every single inch of it.

“Yes, but --”

“No buts. Either you do or you don’t, baby.” I leaned down to run my tongue over that stubble above her clit. Then groaned and licked the entire area over her pussy, never touching her clit. This close to her, I could smell her arousal. The tangy scent tickled my nose, making my nostrils flare. I think I growled, that primitive side of me I had trouble containing surging to the fore. Somehow, I managed to tamp down the aggression and concentrate on gentling Pepper. She was skittish with reason. I truly had been an ass to her. Now, I needed her to accept me, and I was determined to convince her she could.

“Don’t break my heart, Rage. Please.”

I took my time before I responded, crawling up her body. Urging her legs apart, I settled myself between them, lowering my full weight on top of her. My fingers slid into her hair, and I kissed her sweet lips again.

“I’ll never break your heart, Pepper. I’ll take care of you and Cassie to the best of my ability. If I’m lacking anywhere, my brothers and their old ladies will kick my ass until I straighten up.”

“OK.” Pepper looked up at me with lust shining in her eyes. I could tell she wasn’t sure. Not about wanting sex with me, but about my promise not to hurt her. There was nothing I could do about the second part. That would come with time. But I could ease that ache inside her and give her something to look forward to every day for the rest of our lives.

“There will never be a barrier of any kind between us. Understand me, Pepper? When I fuck you, it’s not gonna be with a condom. Ain’t never fucked a woman bare, but I’m not doing anything else with you.”

She nodded. “I’m clean. I had them test me at my first appointment after Cassie was born.”

“I get tested once a month since you had Cassie. Knew it was only a matter of time, and I was gonna be ready.”

That got a giggle and a lovely smile from her. “Little arrogant, aren’t you?”

I shrugged. “I like to think of it as extreme confidence.” Giving her a grin, I kissed her again. Then I trailed kisses down her body, taking as much time as I dared. It wouldn’t be long before I got the call to bring her to Church, and I wanted to have this settled. I wanted the full weight of the Iron Tzars behind me when I went after Dustin. That way I would have backup if I had to go after whatever motherfucker he was doing business with.

When I reached her pussy this time, I covered her with my mouth, thrusting my tongue deep. Pepper screamed, her legs clamping around my head. I hadn’t given her any warning my intention wasn’t to be as gentle and soft as I had been so far, and I wasn’t exactly subtle. I growled against her pussy, my nose brushing her clit. Pepper writhed on my bed, screaming over and over as I licked and sucked and nipped her tender flesh. I know she came at least twice, because her pussy was positively soaking wet, her release hot on my tongue. Her body was readying her for my cock, and I wasn’t about to deny her.