The SUV growled, its engine revving once before the driver turned the massive vehicle and roared out of the cemetery, heading the way they’d come. Sky released an enormous sigh of relief and swayed, but Nolan’s powerful arms instantly wrapped him up.

“You are fucking amazing,” Nolan murmured right into his ear.

Sky huffed a laugh. “Yeah, that was pretty cool.” He closed his eyes and leaned on Nolan for another couple of seconds, then forced himself to straighten. “Let me put these guys to bed so we can get out of here.”

“Can I help?” Nolan offered.

Sky couldn’t fight it any longer. He turned and pulled Nolan into the tightest hug he’d given in his entire life. There was no one else in the world who could be this perfect combination of grumpy and sweet. “Don’t ever change,” Sky murmured into his shoulder. “That would help a lot.”

He released him, and Nolan gave him a quizzical look but said nothing as Sky wandered over to his horde of swaying, rotting, dead soldiers. “All right, everyone! We’ve had enough fun for one morning. Back to bed. We can’t let anyone notice you’ve been out playing.”

It was a bit like corralling preschoolers. They shuffled to their graves, missing the same enthusiasm they’d shown when attacking the vampires. Some tried to wander off, and others tried to pick fights. One even flipped him off when he chastised her for stealing flowers off someone else’s grave. He shepherded them to their proper graves with Nolan walking beside him, helping where he could.

“What about the ground? Won’t people notice all the torn-up grass and holes?” his companion inquired.

Sky didn’t get the chance to answer. As the dead settled into their graves, the dirt rolled into place and the grass closed over them, healing like a video being played in reverse. The dead were very tidy about their graves.

“Nope. The ground will be soft for a few days where it was opened up. Only another necromancer would notice that the dead had been running around.”

“Are there many necromancers around Hartford?”

Sky’s smile wobbled. “I’m the only one here as far as I know.” Nolan frowned, a line forming between his eyebrows. The man looked as though he was going to ask something more, so Sky distracted him. “Let’s get going. Your brother is probably exhausted.”

That comment deepened Nolan’s frown as he marched to where Owen was cowering next to Sky’s car. The man took one glance at Sky and held up both hands, trying to ward him off.

“A witch? You got help from a fucking witch?” Owen demanded.

“A witch saved your ass! I—” He halted and threw up his hands. “You know what? I was going to ask how the fuck this happened, but honestly, I don’t care. Not anymore. This isn’t the first time you’ve put my life in danger, but now you’ve put Sky in danger, too. I’m just…I’m just done with you.”

“Oh, come on, Nolan. I’m your brother,” Owen said. He reached out to grab Nolan’s arm, but Nolan made a fist and Owen dropped his own hand to his side. “We’re the only family we’ve got. We have to stick together.”

“No, we don’t. For years, you’ve done nothing but take my money and fill my life with danger and chaos. I-I’ve had enough. You’re not my brother. You’re a natural disaster tearing apart my life and happiness repeatedly.” He paused and cleared his throat as his words grew more choked. Even Sky’s throat tightened, his heart breaking for Nolan. He silently sidled close and placed his hand on Nolan’s back, trying to give any support he could offer. Sky had a knack for dealing with the dead, but he had very few skills in terms of family.

It must have helped, because when Nolan continued, his voice was stronger. “This is the last time I’m helping you. My offer is this: We go to the airport right now and I’ll buy you a ticket to wherever the next flight is going. I’ll give you as much money as I can draw out of my account. After that, don’t ever call me again. Don’t email me. Don’t show up on my doorstep.”

“But Nolan—”

“I’m serious. Later today, I’m changing my phone number and email address. You show up at my house, and I’ll call the cops. You take the flight and get out of town, or you face the Sandor clan on your own. Final offer.”

For a second, Owen bared his clenched teeth at Nolan, looking as if he were going to explode and refuse the offer of help. But a moment later, Owen threw both of his hands into the air. “Fine! I’ll leave! Why the fuck would I want to stay here with an ungrateful bitch like you?”

Nolan ignored his outburst as he turned to Sky, his smile crooked. “Do you mind?”