“Even if you could find Owen, you can’t hand over a shifter, regardless. It’s too dangerous. There are too many vampires out there who can’t be trusted with a shifter,” Rafe replied. Nolan wasn’t sure if he was talking to them or himself. He sat back, moving away from the camera so they could more clearly see his scowl.

“We have no intention of handing anyone over to these vampires,” Nolan snapped. “I doubt the humans my brother has given them truly understand what they’re getting into.”

One corner of Rafe’s mouth lifted in a smirk. “Does anyone really know what they’re getting into when they jump into a new relationship?”

Nolan sucked in a breath to argue, but Gideon beat him to it.

“Rafe, this isn’t the same thing. Especially with the Sandor clan involved. They’re selling pets,” Gideon finished with a hiss. “Can’t King Aiden do something? Outlaw pets? Or at least outlaw turning shifters into pets?”

Rafe’s entire demeanor softened when he lowered his eyes to Gideon. “I’ll definitely bring this matter to Father, but it will be a tricky issue. Vampires have had pets for centuries, and they’re not likely to give them up easily. Not all of them suffer at the hands of their owners. Look at Ethan. Marcus treats him too good.”

Gideon poked Rafe in the center of his chest. “Ethan isn’t a pet. He was never a pet. He’s your brother’s mate. Ethan is even a vampire now.”

“Regardless, Father needs to move on the pet issue slowly.”

“What about shifters? Can’t he outlaw vampires taking shifters as pets?” Sky inquired.

Rafe shook his head, and Gideon’s eyes darted away from the camera. “That’s even more tricky. There are a few vampires who have been lucky enough to find their mates among the shifters. My twin included. If you outlaw shifters as pets, the devious simply call them mates. Then how do we prove who is a true mate and who is a fake?”

“Crap,” Sky muttered.

For the first time, Rafe regarded Sky with what appeared to be fondness, and Nolan was torn. The arrogant vampire might be annoying, but there was also a kindness to him. That was clear for Gideon, and maybe even for Sky, because Gideon liked him. Of course, how could anyone not like Sky? He was so adorable and utterly likable.

No, that was bad. He didn’t want Rafe liking Sky. At least not too much.

“Don’t give up, small death witch,” Rafe murmured. “I’ll talk to my father and brothers. We may be able to help improve the protection of the humans.”

“But won’t that take time? Owen and Nolan only have twenty-four hours. What do we do right now?” Sky pressed, panic threading its way through his voice.

Nolan tightened his hold on Sky’s shoulder, squeezing him. His heart skipped at the concern practically vibrating through the man next to him. How had this even happened? Was Sky like this with everyone who crossed his path? The type who wanted to save the world?

“Would you be willing to monitor the human for a day or two? At least until we can work up a way of dealing with the Sandor clan?” Rafe asked.

“Well, yes, of course!” Sky immediately replied.

“Sky, I can’t ask you to do that. You’ve already wasted so much time on this.” Nolan knew he was saying all the right words, but in his heart, he knew Sky was going to shoot him down. This cheerful man didn’t deserve to get dragged into Owen’s shit, and yet Nolan couldn’t bring himself to storm out, announcing to all the world that he could take care of himself. Because, in this instance, he was fairly certain he couldn’t take care of himself.

And just maybe, he didn’t want to walk away from Sky yet.

“Wasted? Are you insane?” Sky screeched. “This has been valuable wooing time. I’ve been showing you that I’m charming, funny, caring, and I can cook. Now I’m going to protect you from vampires. I’m a catch!”

“You are definitely a catch,” Nolan whispered. This was a losing battle, and Nolan couldn’t quite dredge up an ounce of remorse or guilt over it.

Gideon giggled, and Rafe cleared his throat. “It seems you’ve got the human in hand,” Rafe continued. “I’ll leave his protection to you for now, and I’ll have Gideon forward my contact information and Winter’s to you. My little brother enjoys getting his hands dirty in these kinds of affairs. He might enjoy this. Oh, and Nolan. We located your car in one of the lots near Phoenix. I’m having it delivered to your house on Monday since you’re currently preoccupied with the Sandor clan. You’re welcome.”

Before either of them could argue, Rafe flashed them a smile full of fangs and ended the call.

Sky’s shoulders slumped, and he lowered the phone to his lap. “I honestly have no idea if that call helped us at all.”