Very seriously, Sky shook his head. “That’s where I’m different. I’m willing to go that extra mile for you.”

“So generous of you,” Nolan muttered. He got up with his empty teacup and walked over to collect Sky’s, but he stopped when he noticed that Sky’s normally bright eyes were drooping. He placed his cup on the table and sat on the edge of the couch cushion where Sky was curled up. “Are you okay? You dropped off pretty quickly in the car earlier, and you look like you’re dragging now.”

The necromancer’s smile was lopsided as he rested his head on his hand while he braced his elbow on the side of the sofa. “I’m fine. Sleepy. Calling minions like Frank isn’t a big deal, but Bob and Kevin are a huge drain. I save them for special occasions when I need to make a big impression.”

Nolan stared at Sky now that his eyes had drifted shut. His face was adorable with soft, pale features and full rosebud lips. He had one of those round button noses that left Nolan with the near-constant urge to boop it. Or kiss it. And there were those wide, hazel-green eyes that sparkled with joy and mischief. Rather than a necromancer, Sky reminded Nolan more of a sprite or a naughty elf.

“You should get some sleep,” Nolan began in a low voice. “I’ll head home, and we can talk tomorrow about this vampire mess. I’m hoping we can come up with something other than me packing up and leaving town.”

That had Sky’s eyes opening in a flash. One hand shot out and grabbed Nolan’s arm, locking him in place. “Those bloodsuckers aren’t allowed to run you out of town. You need to stay. I’ll keep you safe. We can begin with me keeping you safe right here. I can hug you all night, and no vampire will touch you.”

He huffed a low laugh. “You can’t help yourself. Constantly flirting.”

Sky squinted at him, a frown forming. “You know, I gotta ask. Are you even gay?” Nolan threw his head back and laughed so hard that he barely heard Sky continue, “I’ve been throwing some of my best material at you, and it’s kind of bouncing off. It would be my luck that my hot, sexy neighbor isn’t even gay.”

“You got a spell for that?”

Sky blinked at him before those enormous eyes turned sad. “No,” he replied in a near whimper. “Do I need a spell?”

For a heartbeat, the temptation to torture Sky was great. To simply taunt him for a bit. But Sky had also helped Nolan. He’d put himself in danger for Nolan and his brother.

Nolan opened his mouth, and Sky’s phone vibrated where it sat on the coffee table. He twisted and reached for it so he could hand it over to Sky, but the witch surprised him by grabbing both of his arms and turning him around.

“It can wait,” Sky growled. “You must tell me now! Are you gay? If all my hopes and dreams are going to be crushed, I need to start the grieving process.”

Leaning forward, Nolan pressed a kiss to the end of Sky’s nose. “Yes, I just might be completely gay.”

“Are you sure? You’re not teasing me, are you?”

“No, I’m not teasing you. I’m gay.” He attempted to turn for the phone while holding in a laugh, but Sky pulled him back.

“I’m thinking you need to kiss me. I’m not entirely convinced.” Sky closed his eyes and tilted his head up, giving Nolan perfect access to his lips.

“You’re incorrigible.”

Sky opened his eyes by fluttering his eyelashes at him. “Did you say adorable? Yes, I am. I’m glad you think so too.”

With a chuckle, Nolan grabbed Sky’s phone and showed him the caller ID for the video call.

“Oh, shit! It’s Gideon. I left him a message earlier in the day.” Just before he pressed the button to answer the call, he flashed Nolan an unsteady smile. “He’s a vampire acquaintance.”

Nolan was still trying to mentally accept that there were vampires out there who might be helpful when Sky answered the call with his usual cheerfulness. Nolan rose to his feet, intending to cross over to the chair he’d been sitting in so Sky could have space, but the necromancer’s empty hand shot out and grabbed his wrist, pulling him to sit next to him on the couch.

“Hey, Gideon! Any more ghost troubles?”

“Not a one. Everything is quiet at my place,” Gideon replied. Nolan sat back and peeked at the phone while trying to avoid the camera. “But it sounds like your friend is having some vampire trouble.”

Nolan snorted. That was an understatement.

Sky’s smile softened as he glanced at Nolan, then at the screen. “Yeah, we might have had a fresh run-in tonight with Aldo and Colette Sandor. It wasn’t what I’d call a pleasant experience, though I gave them a friendly reminder of why you don’t fuck with a necromancer.”