“We’ll be good,” Bob said, gently lowering his own fist to bump it against Sky’s.

“And we won’t scare anyone,” Kevin promised, also bumping their fists together.

“Good. Have fun.”

With that, the two massive creatures hurried off, looking almost as if they were skipping as they carefully stepped over cars and around people who couldn’t even see them.

“W-w-where are they going? Why aren’t people freaking out?” Nolan stammered. He held out a hand toward the horned buildings leaving the parking lot and heading into the city.

“That’s their thing. Kevin and Bob love sightseeing. As payment, they want to be up here for a few hours to watch the humans the same way we enjoy watching ants in an ant farm. Or like going to the zoo.”

“Yeah, but some humans like to burn ants with a magnifying glass,” Nolan grumbled.

Sky reached into his pocket and pulled out the empty plastic bag. He tucked it into the supply kit Nolan was still holding along with the other vials he’d grabbed. He closed it up and smiled.

“Kevin and Bob won’t cause trouble. They know if they do, they won’t be able to return. At worst, you might hear a story of a tree that’s been pulled up or an overturned car. They forget about their chains sometimes. But it won’t be anything big.” Sky reached up and lightly patted his cheek. “It’ll be okay. Besides, no one can see them except for vampires. You could see them because you were in the barrier. Now that you’ve seen them once, you’ll always be able to see them.”

Sky closed his eyes for a second as his head got swimmy. Next thing he knew, a hand clamped on his arm.


“What happened?” Sky demanded, his eyes popping open.

“You were swaying, and you’re pale.”

“Oh, it’s nothing. Just a bit draining to call up Kevin and Bob. Do you mind driving the rest of the way?”

Nolan jumped into action in a flash, carefully ushering Sky into the passenger seat. He put the supply kit in the back seat and returned to buckle Sky into place. It was so tempting to lean forward and press a kiss to the man’s cheek as he worked, but Sky behaved himself…somehow. Nolan took over driving, allowing Sky to doze off while his subconscious dealt with their current problem. They had twenty-four hours to get Owen and Nolan free of these Sandor vamps, and he’d prefer to do it by not handing over a shifter.

This was definitely a mess.

Chapter 6

Nolan Banks

Nolan kept his eyes on the road as he carefully pulled out of the parking lot and found his way to the highway on-ramp. They were a few more miles from their own exit, less than fifteen minutes from their block. A smile teased his lips when the car filled with a soft snore from Sky.

They couldn’t have been on the road five minutes, and the poor man had already passed out. In Sky’s defense, he’d probably slept very little last night, had risen early to make muffins, and had also gone into Hartford to locate Owen, a run-in with vampires and magic topping the day off.

His life would never look normal again.

Maybe he could do without the vampires and the frantic calls from his brother, but he was enjoying his time with Sky. The man was ridiculous, flirty, and completely irreverent. The world felt new and interesting with Sky.

Okay, and maybe it didn’t hurt that Sky’s flirting made him feel sexy—something that hadn’t happened since he and his ex had gone their separate ways two years ago. His ego was left so battered and bruised after Alan that he thought he’d never be interested in dating someone else.

Not that he necessarily wanted to date Sky.

But one date as a thank-you for everything he’d done didn’t feel like a hardship.

As Sky snoozed in the passenger seat, Nolan took the long way home and left the expressway early, choosing to use some winding back roads. Not only would it give Sky the chance to sleep a bit more, but he could check to make sure they weren’t being followed.

And that was another thing he had never thought he’d have to do. Were they being followed by vampires?

There were also the underworld minions who served the napping necromancer that came in a variety of sizes and interests. Oh, and shifters were real, too.

Witches, vampires, shifters, and weird underworld creatures with no names.

A couple of days ago, he’d been utterly oblivious to all of this. He’d lived to the ripe old age of twenty-nine without knowing about any of it. What was he supposed to do with this knowledge now?

Sky grunted softly and shifted in his seat, making a soft smacking sound with his lips before getting comfortable. Well, it was weird, but it wasn’t all bad. Sky wasn’t bad. A little scary at times, but not bad.