
“Don’t worry. Everything will be fine. I promise.”

Again, Nolan looked skeptical, but he didn’t argue. He pressed his lips tightly together and nodded once. The man might have his doubts, but he was trusting Sky to protect him. He was walking catnip. How could Sky not want to gobble him up?

It gave Sky the push he needed to overcome the weakness in his knees and climb out of his car. The two black SUVs had pulled up on either side of his vehicle, but at least they were both several feet away, giving him some breathing room. The drivers revved their engines, sending the angry growls echoing through the parking lot and Sky rolled his eyes. Such tiny-dick energy. They were fucking vampires. Were they that insecure?

After closing his door, Sky pulled the one plastic baggie from his pocket and opened it. Sticking his hand inside, he grabbed a handful of dirt and sprinkled it on the ground, making a circle around the car with about a foot of space between it and the car. A quarter of the circle was complete when the vampires left their SUVs, their expressions twisted up in confusion as they watched him.

“What the fuck are you doing?” the vampire who’d been driving barked.

Sky flashed him a tight-lipped smile. “A bit of protection, since I’m not sure what kind of meeting this is. It’ll help keep things civil.”

“You think we’re threatening you?” The woman purred and laughed. He was pretty sure she was Colette. Her dark chestnut-brown hair hung in thick waves, reminding him of pictures of Hollywood starlets, but there was something cold and heartless in her amber-brown eyes.

He didn’t answer her question as he continued making his circle, running out of dirt as he closed it by the driver’s side door. Tucking the plastic bag into his pocket, he walked to the passenger door and knocked on the glass once. Nolan’s wide eyes darted up, and Sky felt his smile soften into something genuine as he motioned for Nolan to get out.

“No matter what, stay inside the circle for me,” Sky murmured as Nolan opened the door. Sky stepped back, allowing Nolan to exit.

One of the rear doors for the SUV positioned on the passenger side opened and a final vampire stepped out. Sky remembered this one from the Phoenix booth as well. He’d been sitting next to Colette, appearing vaguely amused by Nolan’s anger. This one had to be Aldo.

“Where’s my brother?” Nolan snarled the moment his eyes fell on the vampire.

Sky grabbed Nolan’s arm when he took a step forward, reminding him of the promise he’d made a second ago. Nolan was much easier to protect while he was within the circle. Even without them being vampires, the gathering already outnumbered them seven to two. But Sky still had a few tricks to help even things up.

“Mr. Banks, we were hoping you could answer that question for us. Where is your brother?” Aldo was a tall, skinny vampire with an equally long, narrow face topped with a nose that was like a hawk’s beak. He wasn’t an attractive man. His face was too harsh, and his figure seemed too bony even under his tailor-made suit. But there was an aura of power about him that made him alluring in his own way. It wasn’t fair that vampires possessed his sharp tang of power to draw in their victims. Being born a witch hadn’t given him an extra layer of sexiness.

“Your brother owes us,” Colette added, drawing out the word as if Owen had a debt of millions of dollars.

God, Owen better not owe them that much money.

“How much does my brother owe? I’ll send money to your account, and we’ll settle this now,” Nolan snapped. He held Sky’s bag in front of his stomach with both arms wrapped around it. His fingers dug into the old leather, making some bottles clink together.

“That’s the problem, Mr. Banks,” Aldo started, providing them with a fake sigh that made Sky’s eye twitch. The vampire was oily. He wouldn’t buy property or a used car from the man. “Owen made a deal with us. He said he could provide something, and he hasn’t. Instead, he’s disappeared, and we want our promised goods. That’s all.”

“You mean, people,” Nolan shot back at him, causing Aldo’s eyes to widen slightly. “Just fucking say it. Stop with your bullshit. You’re not impressing anyone. You conned Owen into providing you with victims.”

Did he say that Nolan was sexy? He was wrong. Nolan Banks was scorchingly hot when he was pissed. Calling out a dangerous vampire was so fucking hot that Sky was having trouble keeping his mind on what they were doing. He wanted to grab the adorable human and kiss the shit out of him.

But this wasn’t the time.

Bad Sky.