“Good. Because I’m planning to dance.” I popped a wheelie in my chair and spun around, making both of us laugh before I sobered. “But seriously. I need to ask you for something.”

“Anything.” Yep, always a mom.

“If something ever happens to me—”

“Which it won’t.” She cut me off, exactly as I expected. Given our family history, the topic was understandably dicey, but I needed to say this.

“But it could. I’m not trying to make you anxious. I’m fine. Healthy. It’s about Cal. Promise that if anything ever happens to me, you’ll keep Cal around. Don’t let him pull away.”

“Oh.” Her face softened. “If ever there was someone who needed a family…” She nodded sharply before crouching to kiss my cheek. “I can do that. But you’re not going anywhere.”

“Nope.” Chuckling, I waggled my eyebrows at her. “I’ve got a boyfriend who doesn’t know it yet, but he’s totally taking me on a honeymoon to the Maldives.”

“Wouldn’t Hawaii be safer?” She met my eyebrow waggle with a coy batting of her eyes.

“And where’s the fun in that?”

“Holden. Look.” Turning slightly, she pointed back at the living room. Cal was awake, baby stretched across his long thighs, alert and cooing, the two of them having some sort of serious discussion.

“Hey, Holden? Is there another bottle?” Cal called out. “The new recruit wants chow, and I don’t think we need to wake Kathleen yet.”

“We’re keeping that man,” Mom said decisively, patting my shoulder on her way to grab a bottle and a plate of cookies for Cal. “Don’t you worry.”

I did worry. Because I wanted this so damn bad, and despite everything, trust was hard. But it didn’t matter how hard or how much I needed to work on trust. I was keeping Cal, and I was going to do my damnedest to give him the family he deserved.

Chapter Thirty-Three


A slightly off-kilter Holden was freaking adorable, and I had to stop myself from bouncing in the passenger seat like a little kid.

“I don’t understand why I can’t use GPS for this,” he complained, not for the first time that afternoon. He hadn’t been entirely thrilled with the spontaneous Portland trip, but he was a good sport. It was the end of the Spring term, and he was busier than ever, but he’d want to make time for this.

If he knew. Which he didn’t because, for once, I was determined to be the one surprising him. He did so many little gestures for me that I really wanted the chance to spoil him.

“Because you can’t.” I gave a long-suffering sigh, then pointed to the street coming up on the left. “Turn here. And then pull into the third parking lot on the right.”

“SCUBA School?” Holden frowned at the low-slung, blue industrial building with the friendly ocean-themed signage. “Are you diving?”

“Half right. We’re diving.” I grinned at him, nerves and excitement mingling into a giddy ball of energy in the center of my chest. “My new side hustle—”

“Your what?” He made a comical face as he finished parking.

“Side hustle. Obviously, the foundation is my main work. And then working for Knox when I’m in town, but I finally let this Portland scuba shop talk me into doing classes.”

“That’s awesome.” Holden grinned wide enough to encompass the whole damn parking lot. Of course he was all in favor of anything that kept me local for a time. But instead of feeling like an unwelcome chain, his enthusiasm was an anchor, a reminder that this was my home and he loved having me here. He wanted me safe and by his side. I’d finally reached a place of understanding where his concern no longer chafed but instead felt like a rubdown from a warm towel. “I’m so proud of you.”

“Eh. It’s extra cash.” The concern I could handle. Pride, though, pride still made me antsy. I wasn’t all that. “I gotta put away for Charlie’s swimming lessons and all that.”

“Cal.” Holden put his hands over mine, expression serious. “You could never bring in income again, and I’d still consider this an equal partnership and a damn bargain.”

“I know.” Unable to meet his warm gaze, I stared at our linked hands. Mine was tanner from my time outdoors in Tahoe, with a scratch across the back of my left one. Bare fingers. Holden wanting to eventually put a ring on my left hand was the world’s worst-kept secret. The better secret? I was going to let him. Oh, I’d still be terrified of fucking this thing up, but I could be scared with a ring on if it made him that happy. “I want cash for other stuff too. I really do want to travel on your winter break this year. I’ve been researching more accessible dive outfits. Paying my own way feels good.”

“Fair enough.” He nodded before sitting up straighter, eyes going wider. “That’s…wait. You said we earlier? We’re diving?”