“Easy, baby.” Holden pulled back to chuckle against my cheek. “Don’t want to come too fast.”

“Maybe a quickie is what we need,” I countered, not really caring about duration as long as I got more of him right that second. “Besides, I feel bad letting your casserole get cold.”

“It’ll keep.” Holden winked at me as he groped my ass. “This won’t.”

Eyes wide open, I drank him in, a picture slowly coming into sharp focus. Like a kaleidoscope or puzzle. Dark hair. Broad shoulders, rumpled dress shirt, stubble along his neck and jaw. Familiar sights, but somehow also brand new.

“You’re so fucking hot,” I marveled as I started undoing the rest of his shirt buttons. “Feel like I’m seeing you for the first time.”

“Um. Thanks?” He cocked his head as he rolled his shoulders to help me slide his shirt off.

“Sorry. It’s like…accepting my feelings, saying them aloud…has made everything more vivid. More magical.” I gave a self-conscious chuckle, fully aware of how fanciful and unlike myself I sounded.

“Well, you’ve always been magical to me, but I really do love you, Cal.” Cupping my face, Holden offered a tender kiss on my mouth before pressing one to my forehead. “What do you want, baby? Anything at all.”

“You.” I gave him a fast, fleeting impish kiss. “But since you’re taking requests, be right back.”

I scrambled off his lap to race to his room to retrieve what I needed, loving how his hot gaze locked on me upon my return, tracking my every stride.

“Lube? Not rope?” he asked as I tossed the bottle next to him on the chaise before stripping off my jeans. “Could do both…”

“Nah.” I helped him out of his dress pants which were as rumpled as his shirt. “I feel like being free to touch you if I want.”

“Or I want.” Holden grinned wickedly, clearly confident about who was in charge with or without the rope.

“If we’re handing out requests and all…” Wanting to shake up his cockiness a bit, I dropped to my knees on the floor on the side of the chaise and sucked his cock deep with no preamble.

“Holy hell.” Holden cursed low as he shuddered, hips bucking upward. Making his usual control snap like a fishing line had my own cock throbbing as he stroked my head. “Warn a dude.”

“You like?” I didn’t wait for a reply, going right back to sucking him deep, going for the rhythm I knew he liked best, the one that had him groaning and cursing some more before shoving at my shoulder.

“I like it anymore, and you’re not going to get the ride you’re aiming for.”

“Oh, I’m getting it all, all right.” Much as I loved his taste, the weight on my tongue, and the stretch of my jaw, I wanted him in me even more. Craving to be fucked was still a strange, potent sensation, the way my cock pulsed and my ass tensed from merely thinking about how good the last time had felt. I loved the physical sensation, but there was an emotional component, not unlike bondage, welcoming him inside me, accepting it in the same way I relaxed into the freedom the rope allowed me. Straddling him again, I grabbed the lube, intending to prep myself.

“Let me?” Holden held out a hand, and I happily gave over the lube. For all that I’d been a virgin our first time, he’d made an instant convert of me. I loved everything about him, fingers absolutely included. Bracing my knees on either side of him, I raised up to allow him better access.

“Fuck. I’ve been thinking about this…” I trailed off on a low moan as he penetrated me exactly how I loved, slow but deliberate with consistent pressure. Hell, merely the sensation of his knuckles against my rim was enough to tease out another moan. “How is reality so much better?”

“Maybe you lack imagination?” he teased, continuing to light me up.

“Maybe you’re that good?” I countered as I started to rock on his fingers, the craving turning to an all-out hunger, every brush of his thick fingertips against my gland both too much and not nearly enough.

“Fuck.” Holden cursed as I fucked myself on his fingers, and he did that trick I loved where he scissored them open, stretching me more. “You’re so hot with how much you love this.”

“More. Want more.” Eyes fluttering shut, I gave myself over to the experience, letting the pleasure wash over me in waves. I was vaguely aware when he started teasing a third finger. Knowing his cock was thicker, I bore down to take all three fingers deep, and Holden cursed again.

I opened my eyes to find him staring intently at me, watching my every reaction as I rode his fingers. His pinky was right there, resting against my stretched skin.