“Oh wow.” I exhaled hard at the difference the adjustment made. His strong arms completely enveloped me now, and he used his top foot to pin my legs. His thrusts and the strokes of his hand were more limited but also far more erotic this way. And it wasn’t about force or feeling like he was taking something from me. Rather, he was giving me this, making me feel surrounded by safety and the freedom I only seemed to find in restriction.

“Fuck. You’re so sexy.” His breath was warm on my neck, his voice urgent.

“Wanna make you come.” Like the last time we’d fooled around, my need to hear and see and feel him get off rose, even more so than any need of my own.

“Oh, you will. But not before you.”

“Not sure I can,” I admitted. The want to make him come was so great, and while my dick pulsed in his slick grip, climax seemed maddeningly just out of reach, even on Holden’s command. But then he sped up his thrusts and tensed his entire body, torso rigid, arms and legs clasping me tightly. I inhaled, meeting sharp resistance, and that did it. “Oh fuck.”

I strained against him, the elusive orgasm suddenly right there, no stopping it. The first spurt fucking hurt, like an exorcism followed by intense, unending pleasure that pulsed and pulsed even after I’d finished shooting.

“That’s it. That’s right. Let go, baby.” Holden’s voice was rough, and right as I made a broken noise that might have been an attempt at his name, he groaned deep, hips stuttering against my ass, warmth blooming along my thighs. “Fuck. Cal.”

He kissed my neck over and over, and it was a moment to get lost in, a moment I didn’t want to end, and I only reluctantly sagged against him as bone-weary tiredness started to replace some of the orgasmic high.

“Holy crap. I may sleep for a week after that.” Continuing to tremble, I managed a yawn as Holden fumbled for some sort of cloth on the nightstand, cleaning us both off. Or at least attempting to do so. I wasn’t much help, what with trying to get back into the perfect snuggling position.

“I hope so.” He kissed my forehead before groaning softly as he shifted. Heck. I hadn’t really stopped to think about his physical needs the whole time, and now guilt crawled up my spine.

“You okay?” I kept my voice as carefully neutral as he always did when broaching a hard topic.

“More than.” He pulled me close against him, tucking me in against his side. “My hips will undoubtedly feel it tomorrow, but that’s hardly news, and any extra achiness will be more than worth it.”

“Good.” I yawned even bigger as cuddling nirvana was achieved. “Gotta…sleep now.”

“Yeah, you do.” Holden’s warm chuckle rumbled through his chest, vibrating through my sleepy body as well. “You need all your rest for dating me.”

Oh crap. I had agreed to try that, hadn’t I? God, I hoped I didn’t screw things up for the nicest, sweetest, sexiest person I’d ever known. At the very least, I better study up on some trivia.

Chapter Twenty-One


The universe had a crappy sense of humor, timing yet another spring rainstorm complete with wind and the sort of barometric pressure shifts my body hated on the same day as my trivia-night date with Cal and a full afternoon of never-ending meetings on campus. Unsurprisingly, I was late arriving home with every bone aching. In fact, I took an extra minute in the car in the garage, trying to summon strength. Canceling wasn’t an option for me. Of course my friends would understand, but I held myself to a different standard. Ordinarily, I’d take some medication to help tough out the evening, but the one most effective against damp weather pain flares was also a bit of a boner killer. And as this was supposed to be date night, I didn’t want to risk that.

I had slept the past few blissful nights with Cal, and I was greedy enough to want more. It wasn’t like either of us was exactly orgasm-deprived, but a first date deserved…well, more effort than I was currently capable of giving it, that much was certain. My hips creaked as I hefted myself into my chair, and my biceps strained on the short distance into the house. I was halfway to deciding to take the pain medicine anyway when I almost ran into Cal in the kitchen.

“Oh.” I legit did a double-take, like some hero in a music video catching sight of the love interest coming down the stairs. Cal wore a crisp white dress shirt, nothing particularly fancy, but it fit his lean build perfectly and the open button at his collar and rolled sleeves revealing his muscular forearms and tattoo were the perfect tease. “Remind me to order you to wear a nice shirt more often.”