“Shouldn’t have told me that. I’m competitive. Now I want to break your record.”

“Do it.” He moaned.

“Anyway…” I made my voice casual, indifferent to his increasing desperation. In truth, I was painfully aroused myself. Forget doubles or triples. Coming even once right then might do me in, but I wanted all my focus on Cal. “Back to licking your abs, hoping I don’t crack a tooth on those hipbones of yours, and making my way south. Licking—”

“I need to come.”

“I know, baby, but you’ve got to wait for it,” I encouraged, loving how he slowed his motions in response to my command. “Let me play with you a bit.”


“Nah, but I can play one for you.” The brattier he acted, the more certain I was that I could dole out what he needed. “You all needy and mouthy is turning me all kinds of on.”

“You hard?” His tone was mainly curious, but there was a note of arousal there too.

“You think there’s a chance I’m not? Gorgeous, naked guy all tied up and mine to do with as I please? Yeah, I’m hard.”

“Good.” He adjusted his head position slightly, eyes fluttering shut. “You can…stroke.”

“Oh, I think you’d like that too much.” Actually, I was the one who’d like that, and my cock throbbed, protesting my restraint. “Tempting me to go faster. Right now, I want to lick just your tip. Very, very lightly.”

Cal moaned, his most erotic noise yet.

“And if you make noises like that, I might give you my hand, jack you while I tease you all over with my tongue.”

“I’d come.”

“You would not,” I said sternly. “Not unless I wanted it. And I say you can wait, let me get you close, then back it off. You’ll feel your balls start to buzz, legs tense, and then—”

“Yeah.” He gave another breathy moan.

“And then I stop.”

“No.” His objection was closer to pain than anger.

“And I start all over again. Lightly, softly, slowly. Maybe a little more pressure now. If you’re good.”

“I’m good.”

“Yeah, you are.” Breathing deeply, I surveyed him again, the flush that had come over his skin, the slight sheen of sweat, the flex of his muscles as he moved in jerky thrusts against the bed. “So good. Letting me play. Letting me do whatever I want. Bet you can really feel those ropes now. You’d like to touch, to reach for your dick, push my shoulder to make me go faster.”


“But you can’t. You’re mine now.” Growling, I was at my most commanding, and judging by his increased movements, Cal liked the tone shift. “At my disposal, and you don’t get to touch unless I say. Don’t make me tie your legs next time.”

“Yes. Please. That.” Cal’s voice was broken, interrupted by breathy moans.

“Well, since you said please.” My abs were so tight with arousal that my chuckle hurt. “Imagine that. Legs spread. A cuff on each ankle. The bed has a pretty sturdy footboard, don’t you think?”

“Yes. Yes.” Cal’s voice and motions were frantic, so I kept my tone measured, speculative.

“Yeah, your legs could take a bit of rope. I dig the idea of you thrashing against the bonds because I won’t go at your speed. I go at mine. And my kink is enjoying every damn inch of you.”

“Need it.” A shudder racked Cal’s body from his outstretched arms to his back and all the way down to his thighs and feet.

“I know, baby. And I’ll give it to you. I’ll suck on your cockhead, work it over with my tongue—”

“Oh my fucking God.” The intensity of his shuddering increased, a knife’s edge of arousal where I wanted to string him out more but didn’t want to push him over until I said so.

“And I’m going to suck you close, then release, work you with my hand, then do it all over again.”

“Dying.” Cal really sounded like it too, voice stripped of all pretense and attitude, whittled down to pure need.

“Good. That’s when you know you’re alive.”

“Yes.” Cal said it like a prayer, moving faster and faster, then slowing down of his own accord. Damn. He was trying so hard to please me. Sexy as fuck.

“You are the hottest fucking thing, humping that bed. Want you grinding on me like that.”

“I’m tied.” He said it like a protest, but I chose to take it as a request.

“Fuck yes, hands tied behind you so all you can do is grind.”

“Holden.” He said my name, and it was the sound I’d been waiting my whole damn life to hear, so much urgent need, like I alone could end his pleasurable misery.

“Yes, baby. And right when you think you really are dying, that you can’t possibly last another second—”

“I can’t.” He moaned, barely moving now, trembling all over.

“Just. One. More. Second.”


“And then I let you come. Go on now, sweetheart.” I gentled my voice to sexy encouragement. Cal hesitated slightly, then started thrusting again, hard and fast, making the bed shake and squeak. “You did so good for me. Come.”