“Why would I prank you?” I might have a rep as a cranky bastard, but I’d never been cruel or a bully, and I sure as hell wasn’t a jokester. But something in Holden’s eyes said he didn’t trust me. I gentled my voice as much as possible. “What happened?”

“Middle school was brutal. I was already teased because my mom was a teacher and known for being strict. Then came my dad dying. Construction accident involving an overturned portable john. You can imagine how much fun the kids had with that.” His mouth twisted as he glanced away, eyes distant. “Then came first crushes. Girls. Guys. My hormones ran amok, and I fell for the whole fake note or pretend attention type thing a time or ten before I finally realized that if I laughed first, the jokes didn’t sting so bad. And thus, I went from class nerd to class clown.”

“I’m sorry.” I knew exactly how inadequate those words were, but I didn’t have much practice in offering comfort. “What was that you told me last night? You deserved better.”

“Thanks. I guess those early experiences left a mark. I usually make the first move when it comes to sex. Don’t always trust come-ons from others. Not that you were making a pass, but…”

“Old habits die hard. I get it.” I flexed my fingers. His hand wasn’t so far away. I could reach out, but my chest tightened. He wasn’t the only one with old fears and scars. “I don’t joke about sex.”

“I know. You don’t joke about much.” Holden’s tone was kinder than I deserved, fond even, like my grumpiness was a cute quirk. “But you were mad I discovered you. Seems like a pretty big leap to ask me to stay and watch.”

“Trust me, I’m shocked too.” I laughed again, and damn, it felt good, like clearing out rusty pipes.

“You don’t have to make the offer. I don’t want you obligated—”

“I’m hard.” I cut him off before he could nice-guy his way out of my invitation.

“What?” Forehead creasing, Holden leaned forward like I’d confessed to a fever, not an erection.

“My dick. It’s hard.” I couldn’t believe I was sharing this, but the truth was I’d been hard since I’d heard him come into the house. Flagged a little when he’d come in ready to battle whatever had tied me up, but fresh blood had surged south when he’d tenderly untied me. And when he’d said he also had kinks, my dick had legit pulsed. Then he’d offered to leave, and the part of my brain I didn’t usually give free rein to had an even better idea, one that made me harder, unexpected as that was. “Hard-ons don’t usually happen to me in random conversations. Not that I have conversations about kink often, but I’m hard. Apparently, my dick likes the idea of you checking my circulation and, uh…watching.”

“Okay.” Holden measured out the word carefully, expression impassive.

Oh. Maybe I’d misjudged his interest and offer. Damn it. I was no good at reading signals when it came to shit like this.

“Never mind if you’re not into the idea.” Releasing my grip on the covers, I waved away my offer. The quilt pooled in my lap, revealing more of my bare chest. “I mean, I know you don’t share the kink. I just thought…”

“Oh, I’m into it.” Holden’s gaze raked over my torso, hot and hungry. Well, if nothing else, he wasn’t immune to my body. “I’m trying like hell not to take advantage of the fact I discovered you in a compromising position. I’m a good guy.”

“I know. And you’re not taking advantage. The opposite really. The way you offered to be my kink lifeguard was cute.”

“For once, I wasn’t trying to be funny.” Holden’s mouth quirked. “And trust me, my reluctance isn’t me being judgmental about your kink or not liking it. I admit I haven’t had experience with bondage, but like I said, I’ve got my own kinks.”

“Such as?” I drawled, as close to flirty as I was capable of.

“I can be bossy. And…talkative.”

“Shocker.” I smiled and laughed again, which felt more natural with each chuckle. “You with a mouth on you. Never would have guessed.”

“Hey, I’m not that predictable.”

“Yeah, you are, and it’s adorable.” I shifted on the bed, which revealed a little more skin. Unintentional, but if it got me more of Holden’s hot glances, I wasn’t complaining.

“Well, if it makes me adorable, I suppose I’ll take it.” Holden gave me a dopey grin before sobering. “Does orgasm control count as kinky? I’ve never tied someone up, true, but I’ve sure as hell played around with edging and making someone wait.”

Below the covers, my dick went from intrigued to hell yeah in point six seconds. Edging was exactly what I did on my own, and the idea of someone making me… Oh, I liked that. A lot.