Page 56 of Dirty Minds

“If he hadn’t killed that family while driving under the influence,” Jack said.

“He was cleared of all charges,” Kirby said.

“Because money buys things in this country that most people don’t get. The same laws don’t always apply. But what it shows is a pattern. He was an addict then without a care for anyone but himself and he’s always been an addict, only his habit got more expensive. Who at the table knew about his penchant for young girls? You were his oldest friend, so besides you.”

Jack slid it in so quickly it took Kirby a second to realize what he’d said. The red crept up from his neck again and I expected him to start foaming at the mouth.

“You see,” Jack went on. “I have to keep going back to motive for his murder. It could’ve been the drugs. But Sowers wasn’t a dealer, and no dealer in their right mind would cut off that kind of cash cow. So that leaves the trafficking. There’s a lot of money involved there. But Sowers was getting sloppy. It’s hard not to with his brains scrambled from cocaine. But now we have two dead veterans on our hands.”

“Sounds like they were all involved with drugs to me,” Kirby said, leaning back in his seat. I could see him taking deep breaths, trying to get his temper under control. “Maybe David gave them a bad cut, or maybe they were his dealer and he didn’t pay. Sounds like they took things into their own hands and used the skills they learned on the taxpayers’ dime. It’s a shame. It’ll be a blemish on our military.”

“It’s going to be a blemish for a lot of people,” Jack said. “I heard your name on the news this morning as being associated with Sowers. Even being in the same country as he was on several occasions while he was buying and selling girls. But I appreciate your version of the story. It’s interesting, but I’m going to tell you what I think. I think maybe those soldiers had their own warped sense of justice. You see, I got a report back right before we walked in here that shows you and the soldier we found dead this morning were both at the US Embassy in Ukraine at the same time. He was working as a private contractor, but he’s got a whole lot of special skills thanks to his time in the marines.”

“Coincidence,” Kirby said, waving his hand dismissively. “And I would love to see how you received your information. Military records are sealed.”

Jack just smiled, but there was no humor in his eyes. “You want to hear another amazing coincidence? It turns out someone else who was at the Purple Pig Friday night was assigned to that same embassy with his Force RECON team. Apparently there was a skirmish of sorts that our media never picked up. Something about the daughter of a Russian diplomat accidentally being kidnapped and transported to our embassy. A terribly embarrassing mistake since you’re quite well known for your frequent female visitors while traveling overseas on diplomatic missions. But negotiations were made and the United States lost a foothold in some very important foreign oil deals. How am I doing so far?”

Kirby used his napkin to wipe his mouth and then folded the napkin deliberately and placed it on his plate.

“I’ll keep going,” Jack said, settling in and enjoying himself. “There are more coincidences.”

“I think I’ve heard enough,” Kirby said.

“I’m not done,” Jack said firmly. “You see, you and David Sowers coincidentally happened to be in the same country at the same time twenty-one times in the last five years alone. But guess who was signed in as a guest at the US Embassy the same night as you and Steven Machilenski?”

“Who the hell is Steven Machilenski?” Kirby yelled.

“He’s the private contractor we just found dead,” Jack said harshly. “But David Sowers was there too. Are you going to tell me it’s just a coincidence?” Jack didn’t give him a chance to answer. “See, here’s my theory. I’ve struggled with motive on this case from the beginning. But the more dead soldiers we find, the more things are starting to fall into place. You see, these soldiers knew the kind of man you were. They watched what you were doing and were sickened by it. They risked their lives every day and fought for their country and then someone like you comes along and makes a mockery of everything they fought for.”

“Give me a break,” Kirby said. “This country was built on capitalism.”

“And freedom,” Jack said. “You seemed to forget that as you’re forcing girls away from their families and selling them to the highest bidder.”

“Oh, you’re one of those,” Kirby said, shaking his head sadly. “Are you really so naïve after the career you’ve led? Stay in your lane, sheriff. You won’t survive in the big leagues. You can’t arrest me for murder, so our time here is done. And so what if Sowers and I had a side business? Do you know who some of our clients are? No one is going to stop me. I provide a service to a lot of very wealthy people.”

Kirby got to his feet and looked down at us. “You don’t mind picking up breakfast, do you?”

“I know you think that we can’t touch you on criminal charges,” Jack said. “And you’re right. But rumor kills careers all the time. And there are a whole lot of rumors going around about you, and there will be even more on the evening news. How long do you think the president will allow your name to be associated with his, even on the periphery? Thanks for meeting with us today. You could’ve just stayed home and denied any involvement with anything regarding Sowers. But your ego and narcissism wouldn’t let you. Whatever punishment you receive on this earth for the things you’ve done will never be enough. But fortunately you’ll be spending an eternity in hell.”

Kirby spun on his heel and strode away.

“He seems upset,” I said, making Jack snort with laughter. “That must have been some phone call from Doug.”

“You could say that,” Jack said, digging for his wallet. “Guess who the other Force RECON guy was at the embassy.”

“Well, we’re running out of players,” I said. “My choices are limited.”

I was looking out the window, and my eye was drawn to Kirby as he came out the front door and bounded down the steps toward the parking lot. I had an uneasy feeling in my stomach, and was about to stand to my feet when Kirby’s head jerked grotesquely and he crumpled to the ground, followed closely by the sound of a rifle firing.


“There!”Jack said, pointing to the clock tower at the college. “That’s where the shot will have come from.”

Jack pulled out his phone and called dispatch, as we ran down toward the chaos.

“I need an APB on a J.D. Street. Shots fired from the clock tower at KGU. All available units begin cordoning off the area. Don’t let him through the cracks. He’s armed and dangerous. I need EMTs and a couple of units at The Big Over Easy in King George Proper. Single victim. GSW. I’m on-site with Dr. Graves.”

We rushed through the screaming people on the main floor of the restaurant, most of them having taken cover at the first sound of a shot.