Page 26 of Dirty Minds

“Of course not,” he said. “But they’d hire someone else to do it. They like to keep their noses clean of such things. Believe me, there’s a whole expense account for dirty work like that. I wouldn’t have come at all, but I need Magnolia. She’s the only person who can help me.”

I’d normally have made a joke about how Magnolia wasn’t actually a person, but I could see the gravity in Carver’s eyes.

“I’ve got her locked in the safe,” Jack said.

“I know,” Carver said, winking. “But I figured I’d let you do the honors of retrieving her for me since this is your house.”

“Always a pleasure having you stop by, Carver,” Jack said good-naturedly. “When are you leaving?”

Carver just smiled. “You won’t even know when I leave. Like I said, I’m a magician.”


While Jack wentto get Magnolia for Carver, I took the opportunity to run back upstairs and take a quick shower so I didn’t scare the next person to walk in the door.

I was in and out in ten minutes and spent another four drying my hair. The sun was out today and not a cloud in sight, so I opted for jeans, a black turtleneck, and a beige suede blazer, along with low-heeled black booties.

I wasn’t much of a makeup wearer on my best days, and I figured it would defeat the purpose of the green mask altogether, so I slapped on some moisturizer and called it done.

I’d expected Carver to be gone when I’d come downstairs, so I was surprised to see him still sitting at the table with a plate of fried eggs and bacon and talking to his computer.

“Magnolia, darling,” he coaxed. “I didn’t mean to stay away so long. I told you bad people are after me. Don’t you have any compassion or concern for my safety?”

“You missed our date,” Magnolia said, her Southern accent clipped short.

I raised my brows at Carver and his cheeks turned pink. “What kind of date?” I asked.

“Hello, Dr. Graves,” Magnolia said. “So lovely to see you again. You have a certain glow about you.”

“I just did one of those masks,” I said conversationally. “Like a mini spa day without the massage.”

“You got the massage last night,” Jack said, bringing a plate for me to the table and winking.

“Hubba, hubba,” Magnolia drawled. “Now that’s what I’m talking about. I bet you never miss a date do you, sheriff? I love movies. Maybe you could watch one with me some time.”

“I don’t think Jack likes the same kind of movies you do,” Carver said, perturbed. “And I told you I had to hide out for a few days until it was safe. And I had to make sure Michelle and the girls were safe. If you don’t show some compassion I’m going to have to mess with your programming.”

“Fine, fine,” she said. “You can make it up to me later. Would you like a rundown of world events and the financial reports while you enjoy your breakfast? That looks delicious by the way, though I must warn you to watch your cholesterol. It was a little high at your last physical.”

“I appreciate the reminder,” Carver said. “Remember how we talked about keeping certain things private?”

“Yes,” Magnolia said in such a way that had me bursting with laughter.

I scooted down the bench across from Carver and Jack sat next to me with his own breakfast and a thick file folder.

“What’s all that?” I asked.

“Cursory backgrounds on the victim and his tablemates,” Jack said. “And a background on Bobby Pickering. Welfare check came up empty last night. Rents a small two-bedroom house over in Nottingham. Not a great area of town. No one was home and his truck was found on the top floor of the parking garage. A twenty-year-old white Ford F-150. We impounded it and found a .9mm in the glove box and a 32-round magazine under the front seat that would fit nicely in the kind of weapon used during the drive-by. Needless to say, Pickering is a person of interest and wanted for questioning.”

“Solid military record,” Carver said, turning Magnolia so we could see her screen. “Enlisted in the marines at eighteen in 2011. He’s got classified files that I could get into for you, but I’d have to be delicate and it would take a little time. Joined Force RECON in 2014 and did three different tours as part of the War on Terror in Afghanistan, Yemen, and Iraq. Decorated with an honorable discharge about six months ago. No family in the area, but employment is listed as Miller Construction.”

“That adds up with what the valets told us,” Jack said. “Though the Force RECON information is interesting. He’d certainly have a sniper buddy who could make a shot like that. But we need to find the tie between Pickering and Sowers.”

“Maybe Pickering was a client,” I said.

“We brought in all of Sowers’ electronics and files when we served the warrant this morning,” Jack said. “I’ll have Cole do a search and see if the name pops.”

“How did that go, by the way?” I asked.