Page 30 of Wicked Attraction

“YourVegasgirl, you mean, don’t you?” He blushed at being caught, but we didn’t have a normal relationship. He didn’t owe me shit, and I owed him the same, but I was too tired to play the game.

“Look, Bobby, I’m glad you made it back from your last mission safe and sound, but I feel like shit right now. Why don’t you head over to Emerald Isle or Black Stallion and enjoy your leave because I’m no fun tonight.”

And I probably wouldn’t be for a long while, at least nine months, maybe eighteen years.

“Bummer,” he said as his massive shoulders fell in disappointment. “Anything I can say to change your mind?”

Hulu was already out of the driver’s seat and headed in our direction, murder in his dark eyes when I shook my head. “You know, if I could power through it for anyone, it would be you, honey.”

“I know, babe. I just hate to see you feeling like shit.” He stepped in close and brushed a kiss against my cheek. “I’ll check in with you in a few days. Take care, yeah?”

I nodded and let out a long, slow sigh. Why couldn’t I have fallen for a guy like Bobby? He was a big oaf of a man, just like Jasper. He was beautiful and deadly, but he was a nice guy, a good guy who probably wouldn’t leave me heartbroken.

“You too. And I am delighted to see you back on American soil.”

“Same, babe.” With a kiss on my forehead, Bobby’s long legs ate up the path to his bright orange truck. He jumped inside the machine with ease, a double tap on the horn signaling his departure as I made my way to Hulu, feeling even more exhausted after that short exchange.

Hulu flashed a wide grin as he held the back door open. “That was a big motherfucker,” he said, hoping to dig for more information.

“That big motherfucker is Bobby, a friend on leave from the Marines.”

“Just a friend, huh?” Hulu’s knowing look in the rearview mirror put a smile on my lips, and I shrugged.

“That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.” I knew what all the guys thought of me, and I kept a distance between us so they didn’t gettoofamiliar.

“Strange.” Hulu started the engine and pulled out of the parking spot, driving carefully as he made his way to the hotel. “I always thought you had a thing for Jasper.”

I sucked in a sharp breath at his words, his all-seeing gaze. “Yeah, well. We’re all entitled to be stupid about one person in our lives. That’s the rule, isn’t it?”

“Is it? I guess I haven’t found that woman for me yet.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at his over-confident tone. “A guy like you will definitely find her. And you’ll be extra stupid over her, I’m sure.”

“Thanks?” Hulu’s deep rumbling laughter put me at ease as I sank into the leather seat.

“Anytime. But hey, don’t say anything to Jasper, yeah?” The last thing I needed was for anyone to mention to him that I might be feeling anything other than cock hungry.

Things were complicated enough with the baby, and I hadn’t even figured out if or when I’d let him in on that little fact. I didn’t need the drama of my heart’s greatest desire added to the mix.

“Your secret is safe with me,” Hulu assured me, locking his lips and tossing the key out the window. “But you’re such a badass I’m surprised you haven’t tried to shoot your shot yet.”

I shrugged and stared at the starry sky as we rolled through traffic. “It would be pointless. A guy like that with a girl like me? Never gonna happen. I mean, I love a good nineties rom-com as much as the next girl, but that’s not real life.”

“Maybe not, but every fucking day around the world, people fall in love, and you know what? It surprises them. Terry and Kat finally got together after years of pretending they hated one another. Best friend’s little sister, that’s like a whole romance subgenre, ain’t it?”

I laughed and shook my head. “You read romance, Hulu?”

“No, but I love women, and they love romance.”

“That’s because we love the fantasy. It’s not real. Just a way to get lost in a happy ending for a little while. The problem comes when you start to believe that the big bad alpha will wake up one day and realize you’re the girl of his dreams, and you’ve been there all along.”

Even saying the words sarcastically made my heart stand up and take notice. It was what I wanted most, deep down in my heart. But that didn’t make it real, and that sure as shit didn’t improve my chances of it becoming a reality.

“Bullshit,” Hulu spat the word at me, glancing at me in the rearview mirror at a red light. “People fall in love all the damn time; with people they thought didn’t see them or didn’t think of them that way. Know what I think? You’re scared.”

Hell yeah, I was scared. The last man I trusted betrayed me in a way I didn’t even know was possible. Now, I felt a little sick whenever I heard a doorknob twist. Trust wasn’t easily earned, and as much as I loved Jasper, I wasn’t all that sure I trusted him either.

“Maybe I am, but scared people are diligent and diligent people stay alive.”