Page 68 of Montana Silence

“I’m nervous,” I finally said.


I gestured widely to the world at large. “Because I’ve been here. I’ve seen what all of you have been through, and it’s never looked like a fun place to be. And now thatI’mhere, I know it’s not. All I want to do is protect Mara and love her as best as I can.

“I’m not afraid of this asshole coming after me. Or of him at all. But all I can think is, ‘What if I can’t protect her?’”

“God, I know that feeling.” Lucas walked with me. I was done working out now. I wanted to get back to her. “When Evie first got here, I knew something was wrong, but I didn’t know what. Once I knew she was in danger? I didn’t want to let her out of my sight. I drove the perimeter of the ranch like a maniac, making sure we were secure, and I thought we were. If I could go back and do it again, I would make sure we had everything in place before she ever got here. The cameras, the upgraded fence, everything we didn’t have.

“We had good reasons for it, but knowing what we do now? It’s what I would change. You have all of it. Mara is safe on the ranch, and I got a glimpse of your security system at dinner. You’ve got your house on lockdown.”

We all did. None of us played around with security, given the things that had happened to us before we’d ever reached Montana.

“Everyone is behind you, Liam. All you can do is take it one day at a time. And enjoy every second with her.”

We’d reached my truck. “Thank you.”

He put a hand on my shoulder. “Any time.”

I shut the door and leaned my head back against the headrest. Everything Lucas said was true. People were behind me and would help me keep Mara safe. Help keep me safe. We weren’t alone, and we could only take it one day at a time.

But most importantly, and the thing still ringing in my head, I was in love with Mara Greene.



I walkeddown the street to Deja Brew from Rayne’s office. Liam was meeting me there. He hadn’t wanted me to walk the couple of blocks, but I had my phone, and everyone was already on alert.

Still, I made sure to pay attention to everything around me. All seemed normal in Garnet Bend. It struck me as funny how, on the surface, things could appear so normal butfeellike you were living in an entirely different place.

I pushed open the door to Deja Brew and stopped for a second. Brynn stood behind the counter in one of the shop aprons. Her eyes lit up when she saw me. “Hi! I was hoping I would see you at some point.”

“Hey.” My voice came easily. It had been better the last few days. Between spending so much time with Liam and the work I was doing with Rayne, the past had a looser hold on me. Even while waiting to hear about Malcolm and his hearing.

“If I saw you again,” Brynn said, “I was going to ask if we could have coffee sometime. Since I’m new and don’t have a lot of friends. But I wasn’t sure if asking someone you literally ran into at your therapist’s office for a friendship was too weird.”

I smiled and gestured around us. “Well, you don’t have to ask me for coffee since we’re already here.”


“However,” I said. “I’d like that. Talking is…hard for me. But I would like to try.”

“Hey, Mara,” Lena said, peeking her head out of the kitchen. “You want your usual?”

“Yes, please.”

She came out and touched Brynn on the shoulder. “I’ll teach you how to make it. It’s something we make a lot for people.”

“Awesome.” Brynn looked at me. “And thanks. We’ll have to figure out a time.”

I nodded and retreated to the couches while Lena taught Brynn how to make the drink. Liam would be here any minute. I hoped he would be here by the time Claire called. Today, we would find out what the panel had decided about Malcolm and his parole, whether they would hear testimony again, or if he would be outright approved or denied.

“Here you go.” Brynn set my drink on the table in front of me. “I hope it’s all right, first time making it.”

“I’m sure it’s great.”

The bell over the door chimed, and Liam came in, eyes locking on me. A little over an hour since he’d dropped me off at Rayne’s office, and my chest still filled with happiness and relief. His gaze roved over my body like he needed to make sure I was safe and whole, even though I’d only been alone for two blocks.